Pentecost 2015
Celebrate the beginning of the Church and the empowerment of God’s people this Pentecost Sunday by reading one of these articles from
Craig S. Keener talks about the origin and meaning of Pentecost in the book of Acts by highlighting these seven points: the Promise of Pentecost, the Preparation for Pentecost, the Proofs of Pentecost, the Peoples of Pentecost, the Prophecy of Pentecost, the Preaching of Pentecost, and the Power of Pentecost.
Tony Richie, “An Affirmative Pentecostal Theology of the Miraculous“
“The Pentecostal/Charismatic movements have been raised up by God in manifestation of the miraculous power of the Holy Spirit through the Lord Jesus Christ.”
William De Arteaga, “A Charismatic Looks at the Birth of Pentecostalism“
“The Pentecostal revival ushered what is perhaps the greatest move of the Spirit since Apostolic times.”
The Duration of Prophecy by Wayne Grudem
How long did God expect prophecy to function in the church?
Vinson Synan, “The Origins of the Pentecostal Movement“
“By the time of the Pentecostal outbreak in America in 1901, there had been at least a century of movements emphasizing a second blessing called the ‘baptism in the Holy Spirit’ with various interpretations concerning the content and results of the experience.”
Other articles:
Read “Preaching Pentecost to the ‘Nones’” by Cheryl Johns from Journal for Preachers (2013).

Image: ruperthenn
Category: Spirit