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Tag: "prayer"

Believing that Jesus was sent into the world

Believing that Jesus was sent into the world

Woman Rises from Dead After Prayer

Woman Rises from Dead After Prayer

Jim Linzey, currently serving as a pastor in Coffeyville, Kansas, shares a story about a miracle that happened in his community. Recently, Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) and God TV reported that a woman in Coffeyville, Kansas rose from the dead. Landon D. Vinson, M.D., who was the attending physician, along with the local Assembly of […]

International Day of Prayer 2020

International Day of Prayer 2020

Around the world, at least 260 million Christians face persecution for their faith. According to research, 2983 Christians were killed for their faith in 2019. On average, that is 8 Christians killed for their faith every day! The suffering of persecuted Christians is very real and intensifying by the day in places such as North Korea, India, Pakistan […]

Unite714 Global Prayer Initiative

Unite714 Global Prayer Initiative

  Unite in prayer for the eradication of COVID-19 and a spiritual awakening around the world. Launched in March 2020, the Unite714 movement has grown into a worldwide phenomenon in a remarkably short time – to include millions of believers and thousands of churches in 178 countries. The movement can be found online at ​​.    […]

Resisting Disease in Prayer

Resisting Disease in Prayer

Resisting Disease in Prayer The Rev. Dr. Bill De Arteaga has had over thirty years of healing ministry experience and has often dealt with viruses of various sorts, including influenza. Here is what he suggests to do when you suspect you or a loved one has been in contact with the new coronavirus.

The Prayer of Forgiveness

The Prayer of Forgiveness

“Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us.” Scripture is very clear that sin is a hindrance to answered prayer. Isaiah 59:2 states, “But your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear.” In Psalm 66:18 we […]

Prayer Evangelism

Prayer Evangelism

When I was young I had an uncle who would come visit about once a year. He was just a mailman who worked hard—rain, sleet, snow or hail. There wasn’t anything too special about him, but he managed to endear himself to all his nephews and nieces. Every year when he came home, he would […]

Mount Murud Prayer Gathering 2019

Mount Murud Prayer Gathering 2019

Look what the Lord is doing! A special report from a participant in the Ba’kelalan Revival.   John Lathrop wrote this introduction for this report by Soh Pooi Siang: Mount Murud is located in Malaysia. The church on this site has a direct connection to the Ba’kelalan Revival. The Ba’kelalan Revival is also connected to another […]

William De Arteaga: Aging Gracefully with the Graces of Healing Prayer

William De Arteaga: Aging Gracefully with the Graces of Healing Prayer

William L. De Arteaga with Susan Brooks Thomas, Aging Gracefully with the Graces of Healing Prayer (Lexington: Emeth Press, 2019), vii + 86 pages. In his latest book, Aging Gracefully with the Graces of Healing Prayer, William L. De Arteaga has given us a wonderful little examination of Spirit-filled prayer and how it may be […]

For Prayer, For Unity, For a Continent: United Prayer Rising Europe 2019

For Prayer, For Unity, For a Continent: United Prayer Rising Europe 2019

Pastor Wesley Zinn shares a report from the prayer and worship gathering, United Prayer Rising (UPRising) Europe, held July 8 through 11th at Ashburnham Place in the UK.   From the United Prayer Rising webpage: In July 2016 in Ilsan, South Korea, we witnessed a spiritual “UPRISING (United Prayer Rising)” where generations from across nations […]

United Prayer Rising: Jakarta 2019

United Prayer Rising: Jakarta 2019

We are quick to lament the declining numbers of young adults who are active in our churches or even give the church and Christ a second thought. We describe them as apathetic, filling their lives with a busyness that doesn’t satisfy.  A truer assessment is that this description applies to every generation and locale down […]

William De Arteaga: The Public Prayer Station

William De Arteaga: The Public Prayer Station

William De Arteaga, The Public Prayer Station: Taking Healing Prayer to the Streets and Evangelizing the Nones (Lexington, KY: Emeth Press, 2018), 73 pages, ISBN 9781609471415. Dr. William De Arteaga, a semi-retired Anglican priest, continues to be passionately tethered to the ministries of intercessory prayer and healing, having approximately 48 years of experience. He was […]

Living on a Prayer: George Muller, the Brethren and Faith

Living on a Prayer: George Muller, the Brethren and Faith

Christian History Institute (CHI), publisher of Christian History magazine (CHM), announces its latest issue, titled: Living on a Prayer: George Müller, the Brethren and Faith Missions. The entire issue explores the life and times of George Müller, the Prussian pastor who settled in Bristol, England with a mission to evangelize, seek unity of the New Testament church and, relying […]

Sorrow and Triumph: International Days of Prayer 2016

Sorrow and Triumph: International Days of Prayer 2016

The Religious Liberty Commission  of the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA RLC) has sent this announcement about IDOP 2016 on November 6 and 13. For the past 20 years, the International Days of Prayer for the Persecuted Church has united millions of Christians around the world in the spirit that scripture commands: if one suffers, we […]

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