Lee Grady: The Holy Spirit Wants to Fill You Again
J. Lee Grady, “The Holy Spirit Wants to Fill You Again,” Fire In My Bones (February 22, 2017).
This is a brief, but important article. Lee Grady, one of the most mature and experienced Charismatic leaders of the present generation, urges us to be filled with the Holy Spirit and proceed with boldness to do whatever the Lord leads us to do.
The article is both historical and prophetic. It cites the unexpected revival back 50 years ago among Catholic university students which led to the world-wide Catholic Charismatic Renewal (It unfortunately petered out in the USA in the 1990s.) Grady’s point is that such a revival can happen again, and it depends mostly on our willingness to accept the baptism and empowerment of the Holy Spirit.
In the healing workshops I give I lead the attendees in an exercise to renew their Holy Spirit baptism. In groups of three or four, one person sits as the others lay hands on him or her and pray for a renewal or a new endowment of the gifts of the Spirit. Do this.
Reviewed by William De Arteaga
Read the full article: www.charismamag.com/blogs/fire-in-my-bones/31993-the-holy-spirit-wants-to-fill-you-again
Category: Spirit, Winter 2017