Fall 2019: Other Significant Articles
David Gelernter, “Giving Up Darwin” Claremont Review of Books 19:2 (Spring 2019).
Darwinism and Neo-Darwinism have failed to answer the origin of any species. Is intelligent design the only scientifically viable answer? Thanks to Brigada for suggesting this long article to start some interesting conversations.
“Verna Linzey Collection Deposited at Flower Pentecostal Heritage Center” iFPHC.org (October 2, 2019).
Jim Linzey, a PneumaReview.com author, has donated a significant collection of papers, photographs, and other media from his mother, Verna Linzey, to the Flower Pentecostal Heritage Center of the Assemblies of God. For more from Verna Linzey, see her author page at PneumaReview.com.
“Pentecostal Political Theology” AndrewGabriel.com (October 9, 2109).
Andrew Gabriel introduces this interview: “In today’s video, I interview Dr. Steven Studebaker from McMaster Divinity College in Hamilton, ON. I ask him about what unique emphases Pentecostals make regarding political theology and what difference these ideas make for the average Christian.”
“The Gospels Are Fact Not Folklore: Why the first four books of the New Testament should be read as serious historical sources” Christianity Today (October 22, 2019).
Christopher Reese interviews Craig Keener about his 700-page exploration of gospel studies, Christobiography: Memory, History, and the Reliability of the Gospels.
Craig Keener, “Christobiography: Within the Frame of Living Memory” Eerdword (October 23, 2019).
In this publisher’s blog, Craig Keener, considers how much we can know about the historical Jesus from reliable biographies, the four Gospels, recorded within living memory.
J. Lee Grady, “Don’t Be Afraid to Let Holy Spirit Move” Fire In My Bones (October 9, 2019).
Jeff C. Magruder, “Why Pentecostals Don’t Preach Expository Sermons” Christianity.com (July 13, 2012).
John Lathrop recommended this as being a significant article to read if you missed it in 2012.

Image: Jeremy Thomas
Kendra Semmen, “Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke Dies Saturday at 79” CharismaNews (December 7, 2019).
Read the 2014 interview Reinhard Bonnke gave to PneumaReview.com: “America shall be Saved: An interview with Reinhard Bonnke“
John P. Lathrop, “Prophetic Revelation” BeritaMujizat.com (December 19, 2019).
Mark Galli, “Trump Should Be Removed from Office” ChristianityTodayOnline (December 19, 2019).
This editorial opinion from longtime editor of Evangelicalism’s premier publication stirred a storm of controversy. CT’s president, Timothy Dalrymple addressed this on Dec 22, “The Flag in the Whirlwind: An Update from CT’s President.” Galli described Dalrymple’s response in his weekly newsletter (Dec 27) in this way: “It reminds our readers that, while CT magazine might have specific views on this matter and that, we also want to be a place where evangelicals of differing views have a place to express their ideas.” One example of critique came from Dennis Prager, “CT’s Editorial Confirms One of the Sadder Realizations of My Life” CharismaNews (December 24, 2019).
Category: Fall 2019