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Category: Ministry

Church Structure

Church Structure

Pastor Daniel Brown says that when it comes to organizing a local congregation, “structure” should be a verb, not a noun. Sometimes the most obvious truths escape our attention until we find ourselves in a new setting. For instance, even though I had been taught the truth of God’s word from boyhood, it was not […]

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Church Staffing Suggestions: Delegation Fears

Church Staffing Suggestions: Delegation Fears

Pastor Daniel Brown discusses the roadblocks and complexities that keep church leaders from inviting others alongside to help shoulder the burdens of ministry. Why is it so difficult for pastors to delegate significant work and ministry to the people in their churches? There are several basic reasons, and it is often a combination that gives […]

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The Modern Day Warrior (Pressure is Pressure)

The Modern Day Warrior (Pressure is Pressure)

Let’s face facts, we are all going to face some type of pressure in our ministry. How are you reacting to pressure and how do you overcome it?   My nearly-sixteen-year-old daughter’s favorite movie is Braveheart. Naturally, if William Wallace can capture Mackenzie’s heart I want to be all that Wallace is and more. In […]

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Mark Rutland: Courage to be Healed

Mark Rutland: Courage to be Healed

Mark Rutland, Courage to be Healed: Finding Hope to Restore Your Soul (Lake Mary, FL: Charisma House, 2019), 208 pages, ISBN 9781629996479. Dr. Mark Rutland is the president of a ministry called Global Servants, this ministry has a base in Africa and in Asia. He is also the president of the National Institute of Christian Leadership. […]

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Discipleship Through Community

Discipleship Through Community

Every follower of Jesus is called to be a disciple maker. In this excerpt from his book, The Community of God, Pastor Doug Bursch shows us that the New Testament says discipleship happens in and through community.   God cares equally about the individual and the group. He does not give preference to the development […]

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For Prayer, For Unity, For a Continent: United Prayer Rising Europe 2019

For Prayer, For Unity, For a Continent: United Prayer Rising Europe 2019

Pastor Wesley Zinn shares a report from the prayer and worship gathering, United Prayer Rising (UPRising) Europe, held July 8 through 11th at Ashburnham Place in the UK.   From the United Prayer Rising webpage: In July 2016 in Ilsan, South Korea, we witnessed a spiritual “UPRISING (United Prayer Rising)” where generations from across nations […]

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Test the spirits

Test the spirits

Every Christian and every Christian leader must practice discernment because there are real deceptions and dangers to our faith. Historian and Bible teacher Eddie Hyatt brings a clear warning in this article originally titled “Angels of Light: Is the Spirit of Mormonism Being Revisited in the Contemporary Charismatic-Revival-Prophetic Movement?”   Beloved, do not believe every […]

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Douglas Bursch: The Community of God

Douglas Bursch: The Community of God

Douglas S. Bursch, The Community of God: A Theology of the Church from a Reluctant Pastor (Seattle, WA: Fairly Spiritual, 2017), 240 pages, ISBN 9780692868386. As the last word of the title of this book indicates Douglas Bursch is a pastor; he is affiliated with the Foursquare Church. In addition to pastoring he serves on […]

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The Power of the First Move

The Power of the First Move

There is a powerful dynamic set in motion when someone takes the first move.   It was Thursday afternoon, and I was on my way to a local bakery to pick up a box of goodies for a family I would visit that night. And, yes, I got one of their huge and unbelievably delicious […]

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United Prayer Rising: Jakarta 2019

United Prayer Rising: Jakarta 2019

We are quick to lament the declining numbers of young adults who are active in our churches or even give the church and Christ a second thought. We describe them as apathetic, filling their lives with a busyness that doesn’t satisfy.  A truer assessment is that this description applies to every generation and locale down […]

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Ministry and Money: Why People Give

Ministry and Money: Why People Give

Pastors, is it hard to talk about money with your church? In this article, Pastor Dan Reiland looks into the reasons behind why people give, wanting to fuel fellow church leaders to speak about finances well and with the right spiritual emphasis..   I find it interesting that many good pastoral leaders are hesitant or […]

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Substance Abuse and Alcoholism: How the Church can Make A Difference

Substance Abuse and Alcoholism: How the Church can Make A Difference

How can your church help your surrounding community escape life-controlling addictions and the havoc they wreak? This guest article by Sharon Torres offers practical suggestions.   According to reports, 70% of young people engage in drinking by the age of 19. This report should be worrying given that underage drinkers are likely to develop a […]

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The Persecution of Christians Worldwide

The Persecution of Christians Worldwide

Most Christians in America are unaware of the horrific persecution their brothers and sisters are experiencing in other countries. It is estimated that every year, 150,000 Christians are martyred for their faith. (Matthew 10:22). The top 10 countries on the list of persecutors are North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Maldives, Mali, Iran, Yemen, […]

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Leadership Crisis

Leadership Crisis

In a strange sort of way I hope you don’t need this article. But just in case, if you and your church are in a difficult season with a potential leadership crisis, I trust the thoughts in this article will be helpful to you. I love the local church, and at God’s invitation, I have […]

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