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Category: Ministry

The Beautiful, Challenging, Deliberate, Fulfilling Call to be a Missionary

The Beautiful, Challenging, Deliberate, Fulfilling Call to be a Missionary speaks with Dave Johnson about the publication of his book, Answering God’s Call: Reflections of a Veteran Missionary in Asia.   Pneuma Review: Please tell our readers how you came to understand that the Lord was calling you into missions. Dave Johnson: I was in the Navy when God called me to the ministry. […]

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The Church’s Wounded Tradition of Exorcism and Deliverance

The Church’s Wounded Tradition of Exorcism and Deliverance

This guest article is a chapter adapted from America in Danger, Left and Right: Biblical Analysis, Actions and Intercessions for the Current Crisis (2022), by William De Arteaga. To introduce his book and this chapter, William De Arteaga writes: America in Danger, Left and Right: Biblical Analysis, Actions and Intercessions for the Current Crisis, gives […]

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Charismatic Leaders Fellowship 2022

Charismatic Leaders Fellowship 2022

This year’s Charismatic Leaders Fellowship met Monday, February 21st thru Thursday the 24th in Augusta, at the Alleluia Covenant Community. This was our fourth year in a row there.[1] It is a great place to have a meeting as the families of the Community host us for “bed and breakfast,” and the quality of the […]

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Tom and JoAnn Doyle, Women Who Risk

Tom and JoAnn Doyle, Women Who Risk

Tom and JoAnn Doyle with Greg Webster, Women Who Risk: Secret Agents For Jesus In The Muslim World (Nashville, TN: W Publishing Group, 2021), 240 pages, ISBN 9780785233466. Tom Doyle was a pastor. About twenty years ago he and his wife, JoAnn, felt a call to be missionaries to the Middle East. They are the founders […]

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Reach the Unreached and Stand with the Persecuted: an Interview with Tom and JoAnn Doyle

Reach the Unreached and Stand with the Persecuted: an Interview with Tom and JoAnn Doyle Please tell our readers how the two of you were called to be missionaries to the Middle East. Tom and JoAnn Doyle: After twenty years of pastoring, God gave us a definite call to go to the Middle East and serve Him in multiple countries. I had become a tour guide for the State […]

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To the Ends of the Earth: Building a National Missionary Sending Structure

To the Ends of the Earth: Building a National Missionary Sending Structure

Arto Hämäläinen and Ulf Strohbehn, To the Ends of the Earth: Building a National Missionary Sending Structure (Baguio City, Philippines: Asia Pacific Theological Seminary Press, 2020), 126 pages, ISBN 9789718942833. Both of the authors of this book are Pentecostals with extensive experience in international ministry. As the subtitle clearly indicates, this is a book about missions. […]

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Russ Turney: Leave a Legacy

Russ Turney: Leave a Legacy

Russ Turney, Leave a Legacy: Increasing Missionary Longevity (Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2017), 124 pages, ISBN 978-1498294812 . Dr. Russ Turney and his wife, Patsy, served for a number of years as missionaries in Asia. He eventually became the Regional Director of the Asia Pacific Region of the Assemblies of God World Missions. One of […]

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Ryan Burge: Most Nones Still Keep the Faith

Ryan Burge: Most Nones Still Keep the Faith

Ryan Burge “Most ‘Nones’ Still Keep the Faith: When research looks beyond affiliation, the move away from religious institutions becomes more nuanced,” Christianity Today (February 24, 2021). This is an important article for pastors and especially for those involved in evangelization in America. The article is a distillation of Ryan Burge’s just published book, The […]

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Charismatic Leaders Fellowship 2021

Charismatic Leaders Fellowship 2021

  The 2021 Charismatic Leaders Fellowship (CLF) met on Feb. 22nd and 23rd in Augusta Georgia, at the Alleluia Community School. This was the third consecutive year the CLF has met there, much to the satisfaction of the participants. The Alleluia Covenant Community is well known for the spirit of generous hospitality it offers to […]

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Charles Simpson: Walking in the Footsteps of David Wilkerson

Charles Simpson: Walking in the Footsteps of David Wilkerson

Charles Simpson, Walking in the Footsteps of David Wilkerson: The Journey and Reflections of a Spiritual Son (Shippensburg, PA: Destiny Image, 2018), 210 pages, ISBN 9780768417524. Walking in the Footsteps of David Wilkerson is the journal of a young man (the author) who walked much the same journey as the famed David Wilkerson (founder of Teen […]

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Dan Reiland writes to church leaders: Meeting the needs of the poor and needy is difficult to say the least. It’s not just a matter of limited resources, but understanding vision, direction and God’s heart in the matter. This article provides thought to stir you and your church to assess and strengthen your local church benevolence. […]

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Getting Spiritually Equipped for Ministry that Matters

Getting Spiritually Equipped for Ministry that Matters

Like Peter’s failing attempt to walk on the water, many believers try to approach Jesus from the realm of intellect and knowledge. While we thank God for the mind and its amazing ability, human wisdom is not enough. Man is a spiritual as well as a mental being. To be genuinely equipped for life-in-the-Spirit, our […]

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Miracles, Persecution, and Transformation in China: An interview with Dennis Balcombe

Miracles, Persecution, and Transformation in China: An interview with Dennis Balcombe

Dennis Balcombe has been sharing the story of Jesus in China for over 50 years. Read what this veteran missionary has to say about following God’s call, cultural immersion, watching revival unfold, and how you can be part of the work God is doing wherever you are. You were called to missions while […]

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Leaders Use Godly Wisdom to Control their Authority

Leaders Use Godly Wisdom to Control their Authority

A biblical definition of headship, submission, and wisely using authority. In this brief encouragement for church leaders, Dr. Harbuck points to Jesus as our example for servant-leadership. A good leader guards against the human tendency to abuse and control others for selfish gain. The average person would rather be the head and not the tail. […]

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