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Category: Ministry

Passion for the Good News: an interview with David Joannes

Passion for the Good News: an interview with David Joannes

Missionary David Joannes speaks with Pneuma Review about his book, The Mind of a Missionary, and about sharing the story of Jesus no matter the cost. You are involved in cross-cultural missions. Please tell our readers how long you have served overseas and where. David Joannes: I got started in missions in 1994 […]

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Mike Mariani: American Exorcism

Mike Mariani: American Exorcism

Mike Mariani, “American Exorcism: Priests are fielding more requests than ever for help with demonic possession, and a centuries-old practice is finding new footing in the modern world,” Atlantic (Dec 2018). This article, “American Exorcism,” by Mike Mariani, which appears in the recent issue of The Atlantic is an important resource for those in the […]

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Global Pentecostalism in the 21st Century, reviewed by Dave Johnson

Global Pentecostalism in the 21st Century, reviewed by Dave Johnson

Robert W. Hefner, ed., Global Pentecostalism in the 21st Century (Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2013), ISBN 9780253010810. This book lives up to its claim to study global Pentecostalism, not because it covers it country by country, but because it is grounded in the places in the world where Pentecostalism has had a major impact […]

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David Joannes: The Mind of a Missionary

David Joannes: The Mind of a Missionary

David Joannes, The Mind of a Missionary: What Global Kingdom Workers Tell Us About Thriving on Mission Today (Prescott, AZ: Within Reach Global, 2018), 312 pages, ISBN 9780998061153. David Joannes has a burden for unreached people groups. For approximately twenty years now he has ministered in Asia bringing the good news of Jesus Christ to […]

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A Miracle in Pakistan - and a Few More are Needed

A Miracle in Pakistan – and a Few More are Needed

Frank Gaffney, President and CEO of Center for Security Policy, shared this statement today on his “Secure Freedom Minute” Radio feature.   A miracle just happened. The Supreme Court of Pakistan ruled today that Asia Bibi, a Christian woman falsely accused of blasphemy – a capital offense under Islam’s totalitarian Sharia code – is not […]

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Lutheran-Pentecostal Dialogue 2018

Lutheran-Pentecostal Dialogue 2018

This press release from the 2018 meeting of the Lutheran-Pentecostal dialogue was shared with by Mel Robeck. He commented: “I believe that it was a very fruitful week.”   Third meeting of the International Lutheran-Pentecostal Dialogue, 7 – 12 October 2018, Santiago, Chile Representatives of various classical Pentecostal churches and the Lutheran World Federation […]

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Wolfgang Vondey: Pentecostal Theology

Wolfgang Vondey: Pentecostal Theology

Wolfgang Vondey, Pentecostal Theology: Living the Full Gospel (London: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2017). Over the last decade Wolfgang Vondey has ascended the ranks of Pentecostal theologians, writing several important monographs, and his book Pentecostal Theology only enhances his stellar reputation.  In short, Vondey principally argues that “Pentecost is the core theological symbol of Pentecostal theology, […]

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Pope Francis Recognizes Dialogue with Pentecostals is Important

Pope Francis Recognizes Dialogue with Pentecostals is Important

Dear Friends and Colleagues, This past Friday morning (September 28, 2018), Pope Francis met with the bishops who oversee the work of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity (PCPCU). Cardinal Kurt Koch is President of the PCPCU and Bishop Brian Farrell is its Secretary. The bishops responsible for ecumenism who relate to the PCPCU […]

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Prosperity Gospel in Zambia: The Problems of Engaging African Theology Using English

Prosperity Gospel in Zambia: The Problems of Engaging African Theology Using English

In this review essay, missionary-scholar Jim Harries challenges Western assumptions used to decry the prosperity gospel as it is taught and believed in Africa. Hermen Kroesbergen, ed., In Search of Health and Wealth: The Prosperity Gospel in African, Reformed Perspective (Eugene, Oregon: Wipf and Stock, 2014). In reviewing a book about Africa written in English, […]

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Churches Bring #MeToo To The Pulpit

Churches Bring #MeToo To The Pulpit

100 Pastors Preach Out Against Sexual and Domestic Violence Washington, DC – High profile cases of pastors and priests both perpetuating sexual violence or covering up domestic violence have dominated the media in recent months. As a nation we have witnessed a rush to silence or blame women by individuals claiming to represent entire denominations. This […]

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Ryan Lokkesmoe: Paul and His Team

Ryan Lokkesmoe: Paul and His Team

Ryan Lokkesmoe, Paul and His Team: What The Early Church Can Teach Us About Leadership and Influence (Chicago, IL: Moody Publishers, 2017), 224 pages. ISBN-10: 0802415644, ISBN-13: 978-0802415646  Ryan Lokkesmoe has a doctorate in New Testament from the University of Denver. He currently serves as lead pastor of Real Hope Community Church, which he helped plant in […]

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Experiencing Life in the Spirit: an interview with Frank Billman

Experiencing Life in the Spirit: an interview with Frank Billman speaks with Christian historian and renewalist, Frank Billman, about John Wesley, the Methodist Church, and the supernatural ministry of the Holy Spirit today. You have written a book called The Supernatural Thread in Methodism. Please tell our readers a little bit about the book. Frank Billman: I have always had an interest in […]

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Ronald Sider: Nonviolent Action

Ronald Sider: Nonviolent Action

Ronald J. Sider, Nonviolent Action: What Christian Ethics Demands But Most Christians Have Never Really Tried (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Brazos Press, 2015), 191+xvi pages, ISBN 9781587433665. In the book under review, Ronald Sider provides an alternative to the just war vs. pacifism discussion. Just war activists will accept “killing as the last resort” to overcome […]

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Global Renewal Christianity: Latin America

Global Renewal Christianity: Latin America

Vinson Synan, Amos Yong, and Miguel Álvarez, eds., Global Renewal Christianity: Spirit-Empowered Movements—Past, Present, and Future, Volume 2: Latin America (Lake Mary, FL: Charisma House, 2016), 544 pages, ISBN 9781629987675. Global Renewal Christianity: Latin America, provides a broad lens that not only captures the breath and the renewing influence of the Holy Spirit in the […]

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