John Bevere: Breaking Intimidation

Cover from the 2006 reprint.
John Bevere, Breaking Intimidation (Creation House, 1995), 205 pages, ISBN 9781591858812.
Like their worldly counterparts, Christian bookstores today seem to be laden with self-help or, if you will, “spiritual” pop psychology books. Breaking Intimidation is no such book.
Author John Bevere confronts head on a spiritual problem most of us encounter at one time or another: Intimidation. He relates how a people-pleasing, conflict-avoiding, back-peddling response to difficult circumstances often causes a direction other than God’s will, thereby short-circuiting God’s purposes in the sphere of personal and corporate spiritual life. What is refreshing in the author’s approach is how he cleanly identifies the problem: the fear of men rather than fearing God.
While not theological by definition, the author’s premise does an adequate job with a pragmatic yet Scriptural theme in identifying two fundamental truths of a vital and functional faith. Those truths that Bevere identifies are knowing who God is and knowing who we are in Christ. The author’s use of numerous Biblical witnesses to drive home his points challenges the reader to a personal examination as well as prescribing an application for change. The reviewer had an opportunity to read the book at a time when intimidation was presenting specific challenges to his own life and ministry and the message proved helpful.
Encouraging also is the author’s willingness to poke at some charismatic sacred cows in the unearthing of how intimidation manifests. Bevere has produced a readable yet informative book. Breaking Intimidation can be recommended as profitable time invested.
Reviewed by Ron Messelink
Sample chapters available:
Category: Living the Faith, Pneuma Review, Winter 1999