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Category: Church History

John Piper: Amazing Grace in the Life of William Wilberforce

John Piper: Amazing Grace in the Life of William Wilberforce

John Piper, Amazing Grace in the Life of William Wilberforce (Wheaton, Ill.: Crossway Books, 2006), 76 pages. John Piper did not attempt to add another biography of William Wilberforce’s life. He has instead probed to find the source of what motivated Wilberforce to spend his life for the abolition of slavery in Britain. Piper documented […]

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Gordon Lynch: Remembering Child Migration

Gordon Lynch: Remembering Child Migration

Gordon Lynch, Remembering Child Migration: Faith, Nation-Building and the Wounds of Charity (New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2016), 175 pages + index, ISBN 9781472591128. Gordon Lynch is Michael Ramsey Professor of Modern Theology at the University of Kent. His current research concerns a detailed study of post-war British child migration schemes to Australia, which is an […]

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The Holy River of God: Currents and Contributions of the Wesleyan Holiness Stream of Christianity

The Holy River of God: Currents and Contributions of the Wesleyan Holiness Stream of Christianity

Barry L. Callen, ed., The Holy River of God: Currents and Contributions of the Wesleyan Holiness Stream of Christianity (Aldersgate Press, 2016), 274 pages, ISBN 9781600393099. The very mention of holiness can conjure up images of dower saints dressed in black garb, expressionless countenances, and a total lack of joy or fun. Think American Gothic […]

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An Apostate Church?

An Apostate Church?

Can a denomination move so far from biblical truth that it should be considered apostate? What about those local churches that have not embraced heresy or rejected the biblical gospel yet remain within the denomination?     After reading the article, “The Charismatic Renewal,” by historian William De Arteaga, A.D.M. responded with this comment: I […]

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What I Like and Don't Like About the Modern Charismatic Movement

What I Like and Don’t Like About the Modern Charismatic Movement

What I Don’t Like About the Charismatic Movement I don’t like the super-spirituality that is constantly giving rise to new and bizarre teachings and experiences. In this super-spiritual milieu, individuals are constantly seeking some new experience or some new revelation or giving themselves and others impressive sounding titles. All the while, the simplicity and power […]

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Empowered 21 Asia Congress 2017

Empowered 21 Asia Congress 2017

Everyone with the most rudimentary knowledge of Christianity knows the most significant revival during the past several centuries was the Pentecostal revival that began at a mission-church on Azusa Street, Los Angeles, USA around April 1906. From that revival missionaries filled with the Holy Spirit went to the nations of the world preaching the Full […]

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An American Conscience: The Reinhold Niebuhr Story

An American Conscience: The Reinhold Niebuhr Story

“An American Conscience: The Reinhold Niebuhr Story” PBS (Aired April 2, 2017). This documentary, produced for the Public Broadcasting System, is a very fine introduction to the life, writings and influence of Reinhold Niebuhr, perhaps the most prominent and influential American theologian of the 20th Century. His theology of social justice, peace and the sometimes […]

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Stakes are Global in Decline of Pluralism in Indonesia

Stakes are Global in Decline of Pluralism in Indonesia

The sentencing of Jakarta’s former governor, Basuki “Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama, a Christian and ethnic Chinese, to two years in prison for alleged blasphemy is a cause for serious concern not only for religious minorities and tolerant Muslims in the archipelago, but also in the global fight against terrorism and Islamist radicalism. For, there is perhaps […]

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Michael Yount: A. B. Simpson

Michael Yount: A. B. Simpson

Michael G. Yount, A. B. Simpson: His Message and Impact on the Third Great Awakening (Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2016), 232 pages, ISBN 9781498282802. An appreciation for the role that A. B. Simpson (1843–1919), founder of The Christian and Missionary Alliance, played in the shaping of late nineteenth-century trans-Atlantic evangelicalism has been growing in […]

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Spreading from the Frontiers: Another Look at the Gospel in the Medieval Church

Spreading from the Frontiers: Another Look at the Gospel in the Medieval Church

Wars without end, daily terror, displacement of entire populations: Can the medieval Church help us understand how to respond to our troubles today? What relationship should there be between the Church and political power? What should we make of how monks lived out their understanding of the good news of Jesus on the margins of […]

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Larry Hurtado: Destroyer of the Gods

Larry Hurtado: Destroyer of the Gods

Larry W. Hurtado, Destroyer of the Gods: Early Christian Distinctiveness in the Roman World (Waco: Baylor University Press, 2016), 304 pages, ISBN 9781481304740. Larry Hurtado is well known for his books on Christ-devotion among the earliest Christians, and for his text-critical work on the New Testament. In this new book, which began life as a […]

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Cindy Wooden: Pope Plans Pentecost Celebrations with Charismatics and Pentecostals

Cindy Wooden: Pope Plans Pentecost Celebrations with Charismatics and Pentecostals

Cindy Wooden, “Pope Plans Pentecost Celebrations with Charismatics and Pentecostals” Crux (May 2, 2017). This very brief article in the Catholic journal Crux reveals that Pope Francis is hosting a celebration of the 50th anniversary of the beginnings of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal (CCR hereafter). He admitted that when the CCR first came to Argentina […]

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Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyons: Gnostic Fighter and Unifying Theologian

Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyons: Gnostic Fighter and Unifying Theologian

Pastor Derek Vreeland gives a brief introduction to an important early church father.   Early Life Little is known about the early life of Irenaeus (c. 130-202). He was born into a Christian home in Asia Minor in modern-day Turkey. Most Catholic histories claim that he was born in Smyrna. (The dates of his birth […]

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The Great Civil War Revival: God at Work in Unlikely Places

The Great Civil War Revival: God at Work in Unlikely Places

Pastor Wes Shortridge presents a short history of the astounding revival that occurred on both sides of the American Civil War and how it impacted the nation for decades.   Introduction America in 1861 presents a painful and complex chapter in history. God, however, had a plan for the American people, and God remained present […]

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