I am excited to announce that a rich Pentecostal/charismatic resource has a new home at
What is this resource? The Consortium of Pentecostal Archives (CPA) has brought together the written history of numerous denominations, authors, and ministries into one open access portal. Here are serials and books that are long out of print as well as some that are recent issues. Over 20 thousand books and publications are now available and they have seen significant growth even this year.
I find the site easy to use and navigate. That is important with almost half-a-million scanned pages already on file.
I deeply appreciate this resource because I love to see Pentecostal and Charismatic denominations and fellowships working together. This collaborative effort across denominational lines represents Christian unity at work.
Also, while I am neither a professional historian or archivist, I appreciate this opportunity to research and study these materials that most of us would be unable to access any other way. I am glad to see that these materials are not all in English, either. So far, I see Spanish, Portuguese, Norwegian, Chinese, Armenian, German, Haitian Creole, and I expect this list will grow as people continue to make contributions.
Does your denomination already have a membership in the CPA? There is information on the site about how contributions can be made, and I encourage you to consider it.
Christian history connects us with the cloud of witnesses that have told us what God has done for them. Their testimonies remind us that the same God will do the same and more for us today as we put our trust in him.
Make use of soon and often.
Further Reading:
Darrin Rodgers, Director of Flower Pentecostal Heritage Center (Assemblies of God) and part of the CPA’s Executive Committee, posted this update: “Consortium of Pentecostal Archives: Upgraded Website Launched” (April 10, 2023).
Category: Church History, Spring 2023