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Author Archive for Henry Harbuck

Henry A. Harbuck, Ph.D., Th.D., is General Overseer and President of AEGA Ministries International. He is an author, pastor, conference speaker, educator, and certified naturopathic physician. Seeing the need for truth and accountability in Christian leadership, he co-founded the Association of Evangelical Gospel Assemblies in 1988 as a fellowship that would provide spiritual and legal covering for independent ministers, ministries and churches. The AEGA now has members in 50 countries and networks in over 65 nations around the world. Dr. Harbuck completed a study aide in 2023 entitledThe New Millennia In-Depth Bible.

Insights on Bible Interpretation

Insights on Bible Interpretation

Although they consider it the Word of God, most Christians—including ministers—have difficulty interpreting the Bible in a proper manner. Some look for hidden mystical interpretations inconsistent with the guidelines of hermeneutics (the art of Bible interpretation). On the other hand, one need not be a theologian for the Bible to make sense. If you have […]

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Is Doomsday Upon Us?

Is Doomsday Upon Us?

As we look at world events today, our minds are flooded with anxiety about how history may turn out. If one would take time to study prophecies that point to the End Times (eschatology) it seems easy to understand how current world events play a major role in biblical prophecy. Though I’ve never considered myself […]

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A Consuming Fire

A Consuming Fire

During the month of May or June (depending on the calendar), Christians throughout the world celebrate “Pentecost Sunday” – a time of rejoicing and reflection on the mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon those who had assembled to receive power from on high. We must remember and celebrate the significance of this great event. […]

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Leaders Use Godly Wisdom to Control their Authority

Leaders Use Godly Wisdom to Control their Authority

A biblical definition of headship, submission, and wisely using authority. In this brief encouragement for church leaders, Dr. Harbuck points to Jesus as our example for servant-leadership. A good leader guards against the human tendency to abuse and control others for selfish gain. The average person would rather be the head and not the tail. […]

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Leaders Expect Criticism Because They Lead

Leaders Expect Criticism Because They Lead

Some people feel they are clever or great. But criticism has the power to destroy them and cause them to crash. Criticism is a powerful tool in the hands of parents, corporate bosses, pastors, lovers, mean-spirited people, and congregational members. Probably “criticism” is the greatest power in the hands of an enemy. Because human beings […]

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Bishops, Aramaic, and the LXX

Bishops, Aramaic, and the LXX

  Editor’s Note: This letter is part of a conversation that started with Henry Harbuck’s article, “What Bible Did Jesus Use?”   Greetings from AEGA, I have read the notes you sent me as well as those from Kevin Williams. Though Mr. Williams made some excellent points, much of which I agree with, the majority of […]

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What Bible Did Jesus Use?

What Bible Did Jesus Use?

The ministerial test, administered as a prerequisite for ministerial credentials with our Fellowship, has alerted us that many ministers possess limited knowledge of Bible translations. For example, in the multiple choice section of the test, ministerial applicants are asked to select “From which version of the Bible did Jesus quote?” Believe it or not, eighty-five […]

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Plain Talk for Starting Right in 2015

Plain Talk for Starting Right in 2015

  It may be time to evaluate what you plan to do in ministry in 2015. At the beginning of each New Year, this is what I do: I sit down and reflect on my successes and defeats during the former year and then make a plan. Consider the Following Ten Points: Spiritual Warfare: Engaging […]

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Have You Experienced A True Pentecost?

Have You Experienced A True Pentecost?

During the month of May or June (depending on the calendar), Christians throughout the world celebrate Pentecost Sunday—a time of rejoicing and reflection on the mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon those who had assembled to receive power from on high. We must remember and celebrate the significance of this great event. This year […]

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