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A Consuming Fire

During the month of May or June (depending on the calendar), Christians throughout the world celebrate “Pentecost Sunday” – a time of rejoicing and reflection on the mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon those who had assembled to receive power from on high. We must remember and celebrate the significance of this great event. This year, 2023, we celebrate on May 28.

Pentecost is a time of rejoicing and reflection on the mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon those who had assembled to receive power from on high.

When the Day of Pentecost Came…

They Recognized Their Experience As Foretold In Scripture – Peter said in Acts 2:16, “But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel; ‘And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh’ (Acts 2:16; King James Version [KJV])” Everyone present at the Pentecost Festival had no doubt this was real because it had been predicted by Joel the prophet (Joel 2:28-32).

When the Day of Pentecost Came…

They Knew It Was An Answer to Prayer – All of the 120 people assembled on this special day had waited patiently for the descent of the Spirit while they prayed. Mary, the mother of Jesus, was present, along with Jesus’ brothers (Acts 1:14), and they were all together in one accord, in one mind, and in one place (Acts 2:1). When people are in one accord, having the same mind and spirit, and are assembled in one place in Jesus’ Name, marvelous things will always happen.

When the Day of Pentecost Came…

They Knew Beyond Doubt The Holy Spirit Had Come – All those who had assembled on this day to experience the descent and infilling of the Holy Spirit, recognized the reason for His descent. But some of the unregenerate people who witnessed the event said, “They must be drunk.” This is the way it is with those who are not spiritually minded—they will always criticize what they don’t understand. But Peter understood what was happening, and responded by saying, These men are not drunk, as you suppose, for it is only 9 a.m. [in the morning]; this is the outpouring of the Spirit of God as promised in the prophecies of Joel; ‘And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, ‘That I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh—that is, mankind; And your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams (Acts 2:15-17; New Millennia In-Depth Bible [NMIB]). When people are full of intoxicating wine, they act crazy and babble, but the incoherent language was God’s way of infusing [and binding] people together through languages, since the Tower of Babel experience (Gen. 11:9) had confused and diffused people through languages. At this outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the assembled believers were not sure of what would happen, but without doubt they had the assurance in their hearts that the Holy Spirit was in their midst. The “Baptism of the Holy Spirit” is the consuming fire and a real Biblical empowerment available for all Christians to experience today, just as it was for the 120 in the upper room. Further, this “baptism” is for every period of time, every generation, and for every person until Jesus returns. This means it’s for you and me. It comes to us [and to all believers] according to fervent faith and prayer.

Pray today that God will give you a fresh “baptism of fire” from above, because Jesus said, “If you then [who hear My words], being evil— [that is, incomplete and immature], know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him” (Luke 11:13; New Millennia In-Depth Bible – [NMIB]).


Adapted from the May 2022 issue of Grapevine from the Association of Evangelical Gospel Assemblies. Used with permission.

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Category: Spirit, Spring 2023

About the Author: Henry A. Harbuck, Ph.D., Th.D., is General Overseer and President of AEGA Ministries International. He is an author, pastor, conference speaker, educator, and certified naturopathic physician. Seeing the need for truth and accountability in Christian leadership, he co-founded the Association of Evangelical Gospel Assemblies in 1988 as a fellowship that would provide spiritual and legal covering for independent ministers, ministries and churches. The AEGA now has members in 50 countries and networks in over 65 nations around the world. Dr. Harbuck completed a study aide in 2023 entitledThe New Millennia In-Depth Bible.

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