Dexter Low: God’s Mandate For Transforming Your Nation
Dexter Low, God’s Mandate For Transforming Your Nation: Touching Heaven, Changing Earth (Lake Mary, FL: Creation House, 2016), 208 pages, ISBN 9781629985190.
Dexter Low attended Fuller Theological Seminary and was mentored by the late Dr. C. Peter Wagner (page xi). He is an apostolic leader who founded the Latter Rain Church of Malaysia. In this, his first book, he writes about how to transform communities, cities, and nations. He not only sets forth plans or principles he also provides facts and figures about what has already been done to bring about transformation in various places. Low says, “God’s mandate is to restore all people and all nations to their original intent by fulfilling the Great Commission” (page xix).
The author maintains that in order to truly transform a city or nation the seven spheres of influence have to be impacted. These spheres are: Family, Religion, Government, Media, Education, Business, and Arts and Entertainment (page 44). The list of the seven spheres of influence was put together by Loren Cunningham of Youth With A Mission (YWAM) and Bill Bright, the founder of Campus Crusade for Christ, who each independently identified these same seven spheres of influence (page 44). Low believes that transformation is not just a theory but that it can be a reality (page xxi). He says two elements that are vital to transformation are “persevering leadership” and alignments with other people who have the same mindset (page xxi). Working together is not always easy but Low says “We must not allow past wounds and disagreements to get in the way of progress” (page 8). Society as a whole must be impacted. The author reminds us that “God wants to bring down heaven on earth” (page 15). Jesus told us to pray that God’s will would be done on earth as it is done in heaven (Matthew 6:10). Low illustrates the reality of transformation by providing examples from a number of different places in the world including Malaysia, Guatemala, and the Philippines (pages 2-9).
In order to bring about the transformation of a nation, Low says there must be a change in the church’s thinking. He identifies seven areas of thinking that must change in order for transformation to take place. The following is his list: Mind-set of the Separation between Church and State, The Stained Glass Mind-Set vs. the Market Place Mind-Set, Mind-Set of Withdrawal vs. Engaging, Escapism Mind-Set vs. Kingdom Mind-Set, Poverty Mind-Set vs. Prosperity Mind-Set, Local Church Mind-Set vs. Kingdom Mind-Set, Negative Mind-Set vs. Positive Mind-Set (page 21). He addresses these various mindsets in the remainder of chapter three. There is a reason why these changes must take place. Low says (specifically with reference to the Stained Glass Mind-Set vs. the Marketplace Mind-Set), “When we think that we can only minister within the church, we will never make any impact or change in our communities” (page 27).
Category: Ministry, Summer 2017