Category: Fall 2001

Pentecostalism and Ecumenism: Past, Present, and Future (Part 4 of 5) by Amos Yong
Amos Yong challenges classical Pentecostals to re-examine what ecumenism really is. IV. Pentecostal Ecumenism: A Survey If it is true to say that Pentecostalism has always been ecumenical, it is also true to say that in certain respects, the ecumenical movement has always been “pentecostal.” In what follows, I want to tease out three elements […]

The Duration of Prophecy: How Long Will Prophecy Be Used in the Church? (Part 3) by Wayne A. Grudem
Part 3 and conclusion of Professor Grudem’s exegetical study of 1 Corinthians 13. The Duration of Prophecy: How Long Will Prophecy Be Used in the Church? The Relationship between the Gift of Prophecy and Scripture In addition to the interpretation of 1 Corinthians 13:8-13, there is one other area of concern to the question of […]

Does God Know Your Next Move?: Christopher A. Hall and John Sanders debate openness theology
“Does God Know Your Next Move?: Christopher A. Hall and John Sanders debate openness theology” Christianity Today (May 21, 2001 and June 11, 2001). Pp. 38-45 (May 21) and 50-56 (June 11). There is a growing debate in theological circles that is challenging doctrines long held by evangelical Christians. The debate is over something called […]

Pneuma Review Interviews Charisma editor Lee Grady
Interview with Charisma editor, J. Lee Grady: Special to the Pneuma Review Pneuma Review: Many in the Pentecostal/charismatic movement have said that the church is experiencing renewal. Do you agree, and if so, how has it touched you? Lee Grady: There is no question that the charismatic church has experienced a level of renewal since […]

Worldviews in Conflict: Christian Cosmology and the Recent Doctrine of Spiritual Mapping (Part 1)
Editor’s Introduction to Worldviews in Conflict Welcome to the Dialogue It is my privilege to introduce this paper by Larry Taylor and a dialogue about a practice many have embraced without first weighing the theological consequences. Our subject is the teaching of spiritual mapping, identifying and expelling territorial demonic forces. This teaching has […]

Muslims Tell “Why I Chose Jesus?”
“Muslims Tell ‘Why I Chose Jesus’” by J. Dudley Woodberry and Russell G. Shubin. Mission Frontiers (March 2001). Pp. 28-33. Woodberry and Shubin have compiled a number of testimonies of Muslims coming to faith in Jesus as Messiah, thereby reminding all of us of the life-changing power of the gospel. It is no secret that […]

A Crown, by Murray Hohns
I served as a mediator the other day. I have mediated many disputes over the past ten or fifteen years, but the last one was different than all the others. It involved a dispute between four Christian businessmen who had dissolved their partnership and in so doing had become deeply divided. To their credit, they […]

Should It Sound Like That?
From the Worship Leader series. “All the earth shall worship at the throne of the …BZZZZZ!” What in the world was that? All eyes turn to the previously unnoticed sound guy sitting sheepishly at the back of the church. Feedback, the wah-wahs, boominess in the lead vocalist—these sound distortions rivet everyone’s attention on the sound […]

Healthy Church Apostles: Every local church should have a healthy apostolic covering in order to be effective beyond its four walls
John Kelley with Paul Costa, “Healthy Church Apostles: Every local church should have a healthy apostolic covering in order to be effective beyond its four walls” Ministries Today (May/June 2001), pages 53-56. He was young in the Lord; rash and impulsive. He was also a born communicator, and immediately went out preaching and teaching, unencumbered […]

Lynn Anderson’s They Smell Like Sheep, reviewed by C. J. Halquist
Lynn Anderson, They Smell Like Sheep (West Monroe, Louisiana: Howard Publishing Co., 1997), 248 pages, ISBN 9781582292977. Shepherd and sheep. Pastor and congregation. Dr. Lynn Anderson has employed the age-old analogy of shepherds and sheep as a tool for teaching us pastors how to lead our congregations. In the busy-ness of our duties as a […]

Fall 2001: Other Significant Articles
Reviewed by the Editors “The Genesis of our Woes” by Martin Hengel. Christianity Today (June 11, 2001). Pp. 78-80. Hengel relates the current state of human progress with the first chapters of Genesis. Excellent sermon starter material. “In the Beginning…” Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies (Vol 4, No 1, January 2001). Pp. 73-148 In this […]

Michael Brown: Israel’s Divine Healer
Israel’s Divine Healer. Michael Brown. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1995. Pp. 462. For those who believe that God miraculously heals today, this book is a decisive argument in their favor. I am not aware of any other book that so thoroughly offers a theological and exegetical foundation for divine healing, especially from the Hebrew Scriptures and […]
The Secret Codes in Matthew: Examining Israel’s Messiah, Part 3, by Kevin M. Williams
Journey through the Gospel to the Hebrews with Kevin Williams as he unveils rich Hebraisms and prophetic Messianic insights. In the first two parts of our series on the gospel of Matthew, we have looked into the apostle’s claims that Jesus is the promised Messiah. We have examined some rather subtle ways Matthew managed […]