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Category: Ministry

Bill Hull: It's Just Not Working

Bill Hull: It’s Just Not Working

  Bill Hull, “It’s Just Not Working” Leadership (Summer 2005), pages 26-28. Bill Hull challenges the philosophical foundation upon which many ministries are based. We live today in a world where the church attendance number—that one number—allegedly speaks volumes about that church, its leaders, and its mission. The undue importance of that number should be […]

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Precedents and Possibilities: Pentecostal Perspectives on World Religions

Precedents and Possibilities: Pentecostal Perspectives on World Religions

  An introduction to theology of religions:  Pentecostal/charismatic leaders cannot afford to ignore the fact of religious pluralism. How should we engage people of other religions in such a way as to share the love of Jesus without compromising the message? Editors Notes: The Pneuma Review editorial committee asked Brother Richie to tell us about […]

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Carl Raschke: The Next Reformation

Carl Raschke: The Next Reformation

  Carl Raschke, The Next Reformation: Why Evangelicals Must Embrace Postmodernity (Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2004), 235 pages. Perhaps no other word is feared (or misunderstood) by evangelicals in the current theological vocabulary than postmodernism. Read most any evangelical Christian publication and you will read some article or editorial warning about the dangers of postmodernity. […]

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Praying for Mission

Praying for Mission

  The beginnings of the CRC church in Wollongong were soaked in prayer. As the pastoral team ministered to God, they sensed the need to call the congregation to all-night prayer gatherings. Beginning around 8 p.m. on Saturday nights, intercessors persevered until daybreak. In those times of prayer, praise and proclamation, the Spirit often spoke […]

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Harold Netland: Encountering Religious Pluralism

Harold Netland: Encountering Religious Pluralism

  Harold Netland, Encountering Religious Pluralism: The Challenge to Christian Faith & Mission (Downer’s Grove, IL: InterVarsity, 2001), 368 pages. Netland capably considers all the angles for a thorough study achieving an informed, sophisticated, and faithfully Evangelical theology of religions. This is a must read for anyone seriously studying theology of religions within the bounds […]

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Aldwin Ragoonath: Preach the Word, reviewed by Thomas Long

Aldwin Ragoonath: Preach the Word, reviewed by Thomas Long

Aldwin Ragoonath, Preach the Word: A Pentecostal Approach (Agape Teaching Ministry, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, 2004.) 246 pages, ISBN 9780973446807. Aldwin Ragoonath, a Canadian pastor and homiletician in the Pentecostal tradition and a participant in the Academy of Homiletics, has written a book that is shaped as a basic preaching textbook but that also serves as […]

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Online Evangelism in a Secular Culture

Online Evangelism in a Secular Culture

How can we use the internet to effectively introduce people to Jesus? Andrew Halloway is Publishing Manager for Christian Publicity Organisation in Worthing UK. (He was previously an editor and writer at CWR, who among other things produce the daily notes EDWJ/Every Day Light, also available by email from CPO produces evangelistic leaflets, tracts, […]

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David Murrow: Mild At Heart

David Murrow: Mild At Heart

  David Murrow, “Mild At Heart: The disturbing exodus of men from the church, and how you can change it.” Ministries Today (May/June 2005, Vol 23, No. 3), pages 40-44, 46. David Murrow starts his article with statistics. They tell a poor story. Men make up less than 40% of U.S. Churches and that number […]

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Ian Stackhouse: The Gospel-Driven Church

Ian Stackhouse: The Gospel-Driven Church

  Ian Stackhouse, The Gospel-Driven Church: Retrieving Classical Ministry for Contemporary Revivalism (Milton Keynes, UK: Paternoster Press, 2004), 291 pages. This, in the words of the Foreword, “is the first in a series of books that reflect the work of an ecumenical conversation,” where Stackhouse reflects from his own, earlier Restorationist roots, on his own […]

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C. Peter Wagner and Joseph Thompson: Out of Africa

C. Peter Wagner and Joseph Thompson: Out of Africa

  C. Peter Wagner and Joseph Thompson, eds., Out of Africa: How the Spiritual Explosion Among Nigerians is Impacting the World (Ventura, CA: Regal, 2004), 219 pages, ISBN 9780830732920. Every once in a while, I get to review a “must read” book and this is one that every sensitive person in Christendom must read. I […]

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Tim Keel: Naked in the Pulpit

Tim Keel: Naked in the Pulpit

  Tim Keel, “Naked in the Pulpit: How my preaching became an act of intimacy” Leadership Journal (Winter 2005). What a scary thought: being vulnerable to your congregation. Yet, this is the approach that Tim Keel suggests we pastors should take—a valuable suggestion indeed. Too often I find myself being more concerned with the passing […]

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We Dare Not Fall: Dealing With the Peril of Clergy Sexual Misconduct

We Dare Not Fall: Dealing With the Peril of Clergy Sexual Misconduct

Stanley J. Grenz, “We Dare Not Fall: Dealing With the Peril of Clergy Sexual Misconduct.” Enrichment (Fall 2004), pages 38-47, 51. Sexual misconduct on the part of the clergy is fast becoming a national problem of epidemic proportions. In an over-sexed society, bombarded by sexual themes and images on all sides, increasing sexual misconduct on […]

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Michael Brown: Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus

Michael Brown: Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus

  Michael L. Brown, Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus, Vols. 1-3 (Grand Rapids: Baker, 2000 and 2003). When you encounter a Jewish man or woman willing to enter into a dialogue about Jesus, and you face the inevitable hurdles many Jewish people can raise, would it not be nice to have resources that could provide […]

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Andrew Clarke: Serve the Community of the Church

Andrew Clarke: Serve the Community of the Church

  Andrew D. Clarke, Serve the Community of the Church: Christians as Leaders and Ministers (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2000), 305 pages. Clarke’s interest lies in discerning the attitude towards leadership in the early church, in New Testament times. Rejecting the traditional, protestant position that the early church was essentially a charismatic community which, through time, […]

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