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Tag: "david"

David Grumett: The Bible and Farm Animal Welfare

David Grumett: The Bible and Farm Animal Welfare

David Grumett, The Bible and Farm Animal Welfare (Cascade Books, 2024), ix-113 pages including indices, ISBN 9798385218592. This text is yet another in a long line of publications that mines the bible for insights concerning how humans should treat animals. Grumett’s angle takes up the topic of animal husbandry, that is domesticated animals raised for […]

David Moore: Pastor Jack

David Moore: Pastor Jack

S. David Moore, Pastor Jack: The Authorized Biography of Jack Hayford (Colorado Springs, CO: David C. Cook, 2020), 368 pages, ISBN 9780830781119. Jack Hayford is certainly one of the most well-known and highly respected ministers in the modern Pentecostal Movement. He has served in pastoral leadership, written Christian music and books, served his denomination, spoken internationally, […]

Charles Simpson: Walking in the Footsteps of David Wilkerson

Charles Simpson: Walking in the Footsteps of David Wilkerson

Charles Simpson, Walking in the Footsteps of David Wilkerson: The Journey and Reflections of a Spiritual Son (Shippensburg, PA: Destiny Image, 2018), 210 pages, ISBN 9780768417524. Walking in the Footsteps of David Wilkerson is the journal of a young man (the author) who walked much the same journey as the famed David Wilkerson (founder of Teen […]

Passion for the Good News: an interview with David Joannes

Passion for the Good News: an interview with David Joannes

Missionary David Joannes speaks with Pneuma Review about his book, The Mind of a Missionary, and about sharing the story of Jesus no matter the cost. You are involved in cross-cultural missions. Please tell our readers how long you have served overseas and where. David Joannes: I got started in missions in 1994 […]

David Joannes: The Mind of a Missionary

David Joannes: The Mind of a Missionary

David Joannes, The Mind of a Missionary: What Global Kingdom Workers Tell Us About Thriving on Mission Today (Prescott, AZ: Within Reach Global, 2018), 312 pages, ISBN 9780998061153. David Joannes has a burden for unreached people groups. For approximately twenty years now he has ministered in Asia bringing the good news of Jesus Christ to […]

Blessed and Blessing: The Anointings of David

Blessed and Blessing: The Anointings of David

Three devotionals from Kirk Hunt’s book, Blessed and Blessing: Devotionals for Gospel Champions (CadreMen Press, 2015). David’s First Anointing David’s Second Anointing David’s Third Anointing Blessed and Blessing, Devotionals for Gospel Champions The Kingdom of God is built by the hands and hearts of Gospel Champions. These devotionals are focused on the faithful and courageous […]

David Courey: What Has Wittenberg to do with Azusa?

David Courey: What Has Wittenberg to do with Azusa?

David J. Courey, What Has Wittenberg to do with Azusa?: Luther’s Theology of the Cross and Pentecostal Triumphalism (Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2015), 304 pages, ISBN: 9780567671899. Dr. David Courey is the Dean of graduate Studies at Continental Theological Seminary in Brussels, Belgium. In addition, he was a pastor for thirty years and taught in Bible […]

David Fiensy: Christian Origins and the Ancient Economy

David Fiensy: Christian Origins and the Ancient Economy

David A. Fiensy, Christian Origins and the Ancient Economy (Cascade Books, 2014), 236 pages, ISBN 9781625641816. Christian Origins and the Ancient Economy is a fascinating study of the socioeconomic environment during the “Second Temple Period” which included the time Jesus lived among us. Professor David Fiensy’s introduction, written in pure geek, gives a false impression […]

David Aune: Apocalypticism, Prophecy, and Magic in Early Christianity

David Aune: Apocalypticism, Prophecy, and Magic in Early Christianity

David E. Aune, Apocalypticism, Prophecy, and Magic in Early Christianity (Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2008), 496 pages, ISBN 9780801035944. This volume is a collection of twenty essays (one previously unpublished) from the pen of David E. Aune, Walter Professor of New Testament and Christian Origins at the University of Notre Dame. Aune’s expertise in the […]

Gary Wilkerson: David Wilkerson: The Cross, the Switchblade, and the Man Who Believed

Gary Wilkerson: David Wilkerson: The Cross, the Switchblade, and the Man Who Believed

Gary Wilkerson, with R.S.B. Sawyer, David Wilkerson: The Cross, the Switchblade, and the Man Who Believed (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2014), ISBN 9780310326274 David Wilkerson: The Cross, the Switchblade, and the Man Who Believed is an honest and candor assessment written by the son of David Wilkerson (founder of Teen Challenge and personality behind the famed story […]

David Bennett: Edward Irving Reconsidered

David Bennett: Edward Irving Reconsidered

David Malcolm Bennett, Edward Irving Reconsidered: The Man, His Controversies, and the Pentecostal Movement (Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2014), 344 pages. David Malcolm Bennett (author, biographer, researcher, and lecturer) has written a biographical sketch of Edward Irving, which is economically summarized in its title. As a researcher, he includes rich citations, footnotes, and bibliographical […]

David Garrison: A Wind in the House of Islam

David Garrison: A Wind in the House of Islam

David Garrison, A Wind in the House of Islam: How God is drawing Muslims around the World to faith in Jesus Christ (Monument, CO: WigTake Resources, 2014), 307 pages. As the sub-title of Garrison’s book suggests, this book provides both an historical narrative and analysis of how the wind of the Holy Spirit is drawing […]

Jeanne Harper: Visited by God, reviewed by David Suchet

Jeanne Harper: Visited by God, reviewed by David Suchet

Jeanne Harper, Visited by God: The Story of Michael Harper’s 48 Year-long Ministry (Aquila Books, 2013), 146 pages. Visited by God is the extraordinary spiritual journey of an extraordinary Spiritual man – Michael Harper. I think that I would not be missing the mark to say that Michael Harper was the leader of the Charismatic […]

David McKenna: Christ-centered Leadership

David McKenna: Christ-centered Leadership

David L. McKenna, Christ-Centered Leadership: The Incarnational Difference (Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2013), 118 pages, ISBN 9781620328477. If you haven’t had your leadership paradigm shifted in a while, this book will jumpstart the process. McKenna has more work experience than the average minister’s lifespan and yet he states at the outset of the book that […]

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