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Tag: "world"

Believing that Jesus was sent into the world

Believing that Jesus was sent into the world

Misreading Scripture With Individualist Eyes: Patronage, Honor, and Shame In The Biblical World

Misreading Scripture With Individualist Eyes: Patronage, Honor, and Shame In The Biblical World

E. Randolph Richards and Richard James, Misreading Scripture With Individualist Eyes: Patronage, Honor, and Shame In The Biblical World (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2020), 304 pages, ISBN 9780830852758. This is the second “misreading” book that E. Randolph Richards has written. The first one was Misreading Scripture with Western Eyes which he wrote with Brandon […]

God, Nimrod, and the World: Exploring Christian Perspectives on Sport Hunting

God, Nimrod, and the World: Exploring Christian Perspectives on Sport Hunting

Bracy V. Hill, II, and John B. White, God, Nimrod, and the World: Exploring Christian Perspectives on Sport Hunting (Macon, GA: Mercer University Press, 2017), ix-431 pages with index. In our urban-dominated landscape, hunting, particularly sport hunting, has increasingly been viewed as a remnant of a barbaric era that is no longer needed and should […]

The worrying impact of COVID-19 on religious minorities around the world

The worrying impact of COVID-19 on religious minorities around the world

With the emergence of the COVID-19 crisis, a noticeable rise in authoritarianism has resulted in increased repression of religious minorities around the world. From discrimination, hate speech, disinformation, to scapegoating of religious minorities for the spread of the virus—the pandemic has had a telling impact on minority faith communities. Physical distancing measures introduced globally has also meant […]

GloPent World 2020: Mapping Global Pentecostal Issues

GloPent World 2020: Mapping Global Pentecostal Issues

First Virtual Global Pentecostal Studies Conference: “Mapping Global Pentecostal Issues” When: Saturday, 31st October 2020, from 12:00-20:00. What: The European Research Network on Global Pentecostalism (GloPent) will be having its first Virtual Conference, hosted by The Centre for Pentecostal and Charismatic Studies at the University of Birmingham. The theme is “Mapping Global Pentecostal Issues.”   Keynote […]

Ministering to the Needs of the World: 2018 International Dialogue between the World Communion of Reformed Churches and Classical Pentecostals

Ministering to the Needs of the World: 2018 International Dialogue between the World Communion of Reformed Churches and Classical Pentecostals

Mel Robeck has shared with Pneuma Review the press release from the International Dialogue between the World Communion of Reformed Churches and Classical Pentecostals, which concluded on December 4, 2018. Representatives of various classical Pentecostal churches and a delegation from the World Communion of Reformed Churches met in Legon, Accra, Ghana, November 29 – December […]

The Resurgence of the Gospel, Part Two: Recharting the Christian World Mission

The Resurgence of the Gospel, Part Two: Recharting the Christian World Mission

The Resurgence of the Gospel and the Flowering of the Global Christian Message Part Two: Recharting the Christian World Mission Church councils, a changing geo-political landscape, invasion and upheavals had a radical impact on how followers of Jesus participated in the Christian mission. It may seem strange but it is from Ephesus that the re-charting […]

The Resurgence of the Gospel, Part One: The Medieval Prologue and the Remapping of the World

The Resurgence of the Gospel, Part One: The Medieval Prologue and the Remapping of the World

The Resurgence of the Gospel and the Flowering of the Global Christian Message Part One: The Medieval Prologue & the Remapping of the World   In Retrospect By looking backwards to the beginning of the spread of the Gospel that Jesus is both Lord and Christ and considering the results of both the life, death […]

Chris DeWelt: What is God doing in the world?

Chris DeWelt: What is God doing in the world?

Chris DeWelt, “What is God doing in the world?” Good News Productions, International. In this video you will get a glimpse of some of the things that God is doing in our world.  The Christian faith is experiencing significant growth in a number of places around the globe. Dr. Chris DeWelt highlights what is happening […]

From Jerusalem, Around the World, and Back to Jerusalem

From Jerusalem, Around the World, and Back to Jerusalem speaks with Eugene Bach, a spokesman and leader of the Chinese mission movement, Back to Jerusalem, about their vision and the amazing things they have seen God do as they carry the good news to the world’s most restrictive places. Please tell our readers where and when the Back to Jerusalem Movement began. The […]

Good News to Change the World: An Interview with Lisa Sharon Harper

Good News to Change the World: An Interview with Lisa Sharon Harper

Lisa Sharon Harper is a follower of Jesus calling all followers of Jesus to love every person the same and seek their flourishing. speaks with her about her story and how God is inviting each of us to participate with him in making his Gospel of Peace real in our communities today. Please […]

Christ in us brings hope to the world

Christ in us brings hope to the world

As the chilly winds blow, winter is settling in here in Virginia. 2016 is quickly coming to a close, making room for 2017. In many ways, 2017 will be a year of transition. The next president of the United States of America will be inaugurated; a new round of legislators will take their posts, and […]

Shadow Boxing: The Missionary Encounter with Christian Theology in World Religions

Shadow Boxing: The Missionary Encounter with Christian Theology in World Religions

Missionary-scholar Jim Harries investigates whether the term “world religion” is a Western construct and points us toward a new way of sharing the story of Jesus that is free of this stricture.   Abstract Globalised Western hegemony has resulted in the obscurest parts of the world having a contrived front to present to Western visitors […]

Pentecostals and the World: Reflections on the 2015 Society for Pentecostal Studies Convention

Pentecostals and the World: Reflections on the 2015 Society for Pentecostal Studies Convention

I thank God who enabled me to participate in the 44th Annual Meeting for the Society for Pentecostal Studies held at Southeastern University, Lakeland, Florida, on March 12-14, 2015. This was my fourth consecutively attended SPS meeting, having attended my first in 2012. I find this simply miraculous, given that I live overseas in Southeast […]

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