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Category: Ministry

Kevin Greeson: The Camel

Kevin Greeson: The Camel

Kevin Greeson, The Camel: How Muslims Are Coming To Faith In Christ (Arkadelphia, AR: WIGTake Resources LLC, 2007), 210 pages, ISBN 9780974756295. The Camel is a book of both testimony and teaching. The author shows us that God is at work among Muslims, he also shows us some things that we can do that will […]

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Andrew Clarke: A Pauline Theology of Church Leadership

Andrew Clarke: A Pauline Theology of Church Leadership

  Andrew D. Clarke, A Pauline Theology of Church Leadership (New York: T & T Clark, 2008), 189 pages, ISBN 9780567045607. This work is important for those considering how best to ‘do church’ and who are also seeking after a Biblical model of leadership. The volume, a theological monograph in the Library of New Testament […]

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Shepherds and Sheepdogs

Shepherds and Sheepdogs

  Charles Carrin draws out a biblical analogy full of tested and practical wisdom.   Every shepherd needs a sheepdog. Knowing this, God sends them. Some shepherds cannot tell the difference between a sheepdog and a wolf and chase the dogs away. The loss to the shepherd and the flock is tragic. Other shepherds think […]

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Paradigm for Pentecostal Preaching

Paradigm for Pentecostal Preaching

What are the marks of biblical and Spirit-filled preaching? Frederic L. Godet summarizes the Pentecostal preacher’s purpose: “The preacher’s task in this work lies, not in wishing to act in the place and stead of the Spirit with the resources of his own eloquence and genius, but in opening up the way for Him by […]

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Phyllis Tickle: The Great Emergence

Phyllis Tickle: The Great Emergence

  Phyllis Tickle, The Great Emergence: How Christianity Is Changing and Why (Grand Rapids: Baker, 2008), 173 pages, ISBN 9780801013133. Chances are you have heard of Phyllis Tickle. As the founder of the religion department of Publishers Weekly, the author of at least two dozen books, and a popular speaker on religion in America, Tickle’s […]

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Greg Heisler: Spirit-Led Preaching

Greg Heisler: Spirit-Led Preaching

  Greg Heisler, Spirit-Led Preaching: the Holy Spirit’s Role in Sermon Preparation and Delivery (Nashville: B & H Academic, 2007), 156 pages, ISBN 9780805443882. Every Pentecostal minister should read this book. We Pentecostals agree strongly with Heisler when he says that the anointing of the Holy Spirit is very important in preaching. He strikes a […]

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Blaine Allen: When People Throw Stones

Blaine Allen: When People Throw Stones

  Blaine Allen, When People Throw Stones: A Leader’s Guide to Fielding Personal Criticism (Kregel, 2005), 176 pages, ISBN 978-0825420146. Blaine Allen’s book, When People Throw Stones, is important and necessary. The ugly truth is that Christian service has downsides. All too often, the chief downside is criticism. The book is organized in ten chapters; […]

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Harriet Harris: Fundamentalism and Evangelicals

Harriet Harris: Fundamentalism and Evangelicals

  Harriet A. Harris, Fundamentalism and Evangelicals (Oxford Theological Monographs; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998 [2008 in paperback]), 400 pages, ISBN 9780199532537. Fundamentalism and Evangelicals is a revealing and fascinating book. Harris gives a close and objective reading of the evidence that modern evangelicalism is ruled by a fundamentalist mindset, which, as Harris defines it, […]

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David A. Livermore: Cultural Intelligence

David A. Livermore: Cultural Intelligence

  David A. Livermore, Cultural Intelligence: Improving your CQ to Engage our Multicultural World (Baker Academic, 2009), 288 pages, ISBN 9780801035890. What is ‘cultural intelligence’ and why is it important? In today’s multicultural and multilingual world, it is more necessary than ever for church leaders and lay believers to learn how to express “love and […]

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Andrew J. Schmutzer

Andrew Schmutzer: A Theology of Sexual Abuse: A Reflection on Creation and Devastation

  Andrew J. Schmutzer, “A Theology of Sexual Abuse: A Reflection on Creation and Devastation” JETS 51:4 (Dec 2008). In what follows I plan to intersperse a review of Andrew J. Schmutzer’s “A Theology of Sexual Abuse: A Reflection on Creation and Devastation,” with my own reflections as both a survivor of sexual abuse and […]

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Philip’s Daughters

Philip’s Daughters

Estrelda Alexander and Amos Yong, eds., Philip’s Daughters: Women in Pentecostal-Charismatic Leadership, Princeton Theological Monograph Series (Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications, 2009), 251 pages, ISBN 9781556358326. Looking for a historical, biblical, theological, and even philosophical discussion about Pentecostal Charismatic (PC) women in ministry? This collection of twelve essays that resulted from a series of colloquia in […]

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Forming the Life of the Congregation Through Music

Forming the Life of the Congregation Through Music

  Part One: Three Questions All churches come together to sing, and most Christians would readily affirm that this shared musical practice is a significant element in spiritual life. Yet the exact manner in which music exerts powers of spiritual formation may seem amorphous and elusive. I will approach the subject by asking three questions: […]

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Stephen Hill: Would the Real Apostles Please Stand Up?

Stephen Hill: Would the Real Apostles Please Stand Up?

  Stephen W. Hill, “Would the Real Apostles Please Stand Up?: The truth about apostles, authority and the kingdom of God” Ministry Today (Jan 2009), p. 68-72. This rather brief article is an attempt by Stephen Hill to question the pre-eminence given to apostles in churches today. Hill begins this task by recalling for the […]

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Wayne Cordeiro: Leading on Empty

Wayne Cordeiro: Leading on Empty

  Wayne Cordeiro, Leading on Empty: Refilling Your Tank and Renewing Your Passion (Minneapolis; Bethany House, 2009), 213 pages, ISBN 9780764203503. I know this author well. He is my pastor, and I love him. I am 22 years his senior and have been on his pastoral staff since 1995, longer than any other pastor still […]

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