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Pentecostal/Charismatic Churches and Ecumenism: An Interview with Mel Robeck

Pentecostal/Charismatic Churches and Ecumenism: An Interview with Mel Robeck

  A conversation with Professor and Pentecostal Statesman Cecil M. Robeck, Jr. As a Pentecostal, how do you define ecumenism? Mel Robeck: The term “ecumenism” is derived from the Greek word oikoumene, which comes from the noun, oikos. The basic meaning of oikos is “house,” and by extension, oikoumene refers to those things, […]

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Doug Murren: Churches that Heal

Doug Murren: Churches that Heal

  Doug Murren, Churches that Heal: Becoming a Church That Mends Broken Hearts and Restores Shattered Lives (W. Monroe, LA: Howard Publishing Company, 1999), 256 pages. The church needs to be about the work of healing people. Churches need to be places where the whole gospel is heard and people are wholly restored to what […]

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Highlights from European Pentecostal Theological Association 2002

Highlights from European Pentecostal Theological Association 2002

The 24th annual EPTA (European Pentecostal Theological Association) conference was held on the campus of Continental Theological Seminary, located in Sint-Pieters Leeuw, Belgium – just a few miles outside the city of Brussels. More than 60 individuals attended the conference. The conference theme, “Pentecostal Education in the 21st. century: Promises and Challenges”, was initiated by […]

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Two Views On Women in Ministry

Two Views On Women in Ministry

  James Beck and Craig Blomberg, eds., Two Views On Women in Ministry (Zondervan, 2001), 383 pages. In the first century the apostles had to struggle with the Gentiles. Can they be accepted as equals in the faith? Can they be raised to positions of deacons, overseers, and elders? Can a Gentile actually be ordained […]

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State of the Church 2002

State of the Church 2002

Half of the Churches in America are growing have fewer than 100 participating adults (25% have less than 50) are located in a rural or small town setting Less than 10% of all churches in America have more than 1000 in attendance. Keys to Growth Growing churches report that they: welcome change have cultural affinity—finding […]

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Pentecostalism and Ecumenism: Past, Present, and Future (Part 5 of 5) by Amos Yong

Pentecostalism and Ecumenism: Past, Present, and Future (Part 5 of 5) by Amos Yong

Amos Yong challenges classical Pentecostals to re-examine what ecumenism really is. V. Pentecostalism and Ecumenism: Future Prospects and Tasks My conclusion is that Pentecostals need the larger Church even as the larger Church needs Pentecostalism. Thus, the quest for a biblically based and Spirit inspired Christian unity must include both movements. In this last section […]

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James Edwards: A Unity Not of Our Making

James Edwards: A Unity Not of Our Making

  James R. Edwards, “A Unity Not of Our Making” Christianity Today (Vol 45, No 10, August 6, 2001), pp. 48-50. “Unity in Diversity” has become one of the most popular ecumenical catchphrases. Especially among Pentecostal churches, the phrase seems to open up ways to engage in ecumenical dialogue without threatening the ecclesial independence or […]

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by Stan Myers

Compliments: Stumbling Blocks or Treasures of the Heart? by Rick Kamrath

From the Worship Leader Series Here’s a quiz: The service is ended. People are milling around and you are putting your equipment away. Suddenly a face appears in front of you with a look of total elation. “Worship was a-a-a-w-e-s-o-m-e!” they exclaim. Your answer? a) “Yes, I knew that the worship was awesome. But did […]

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Pentecostalism and Ecumenism: Past, Present, and Future (Part 4 of 5) by Amos Yong

Pentecostalism and Ecumenism: Past, Present, and Future (Part 4 of 5) by Amos Yong

Amos Yong challenges classical Pentecostals to re-examine what ecumenism really is. IV. Pentecostal Ecumenism: A Survey If it is true to say that Pentecostalism has always been ecumenical, it is also true to say that in certain respects, the ecumenical movement has always been “pentecostal.” In what follows, I want to tease out three elements […]

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Should It Sound Like That?

Should It Sound Like That?

From the Worship Leader series. “All the earth shall worship at the throne of the …BZZZZZ!” What in the world was that? All eyes turn to the previously unnoticed sound guy sitting sheepishly at the back of the church. Feedback, the wah-wahs, boominess in the lead vocalist—these sound distortions rivet everyone’s attention on the sound […]

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Healthy Church Apostles: Every local church should have a healthy apostolic covering in order to be effective beyond its four walls

Healthy Church Apostles: Every local church should have a healthy apostolic covering in order to be effective beyond its four walls

John Kelley with Paul Costa, “Healthy Church Apostles: Every local church should have a healthy apostolic covering in order to be effective beyond its four walls” Ministries Today (May/June 2001), pages 53-56. He was young in the Lord; rash and impulsive. He was also a born communicator, and immediately went out preaching and teaching, unencumbered […]

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Lynn Anderson's They Smell Like Sheep, reviewed by C. J. Halquist

Lynn Anderson’s They Smell Like Sheep, reviewed by C. J. Halquist

Lynn Anderson, They Smell Like Sheep (West Monroe, Louisiana: Howard Publishing Co., 1997), 248 pages, ISBN 9781582292977. Shepherd and sheep. Pastor and congregation. Dr. Lynn Anderson has employed the age-old analogy of shepherds and sheep as a tool for teaching us pastors how to lead our congregations. In the busy-ness of our duties as a […]

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Pentecostalism and Ecumenism: Past, Present, and Future (Part 3 of 5) by Amos Yong

Pentecostalism and Ecumenism: Past, Present, and Future (Part 3 of 5) by Amos Yong

Amos Yong challenges classical Pentecostals to re-examine what ecumenism really is. III. Ecumenical Pentecostalism: A Historical Overview I hope to have shown that Pentecostal anti-ecumenism stems in part from theological convictions imported into rather than derived from the Pentecostal experience of the Spirit. Such importations have inhibited Pentecostals from a genuine understanding of what the […]

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Power House: How Prayer Can Saturate the Life of Your Church

Power House: How Prayer Can Saturate the Life of Your Church

  Alen Martin and Dian Ginter, “Power House: How Prayer Can Saturate the Life of Your Church,” Pray! (Issue 23, Mar/Apr 2001), pages 14-17. Looking for some practical advice on transforming your church into a house of prayer? This issue of Pray!, and this article in particular may offer the simple steps needed to get […]

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    Amos Yong is Professor of Theology & Mission and director of the Center for Missiological Research at Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena. His graduate education includes degree...

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