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Category: Ministry

Contemporary Applications of Humility from Teachings of the New Testament

Contemporary Applications of Humility from Teachings of the New Testament

A review essay of two books on biblical humility by Michelle Vondey.   Two books: both on humility, both using the Bible as a framework, both of interest to those who study humility academically and who take the need for humility seriously in their vocation. Though similar in topic, the books differ in intended audience […]

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Preserving Evangelical Unity

Preserving Evangelical Unity

Michael L. Meiring, ed., Preserving Evangelical Unity: Welcoming Diversity in Non-Essentials (Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2009). In Preserving Evangelical Unity, editor Michael L. Meiring brings together a variety of voices from within the Evangelical community to discuss an assortment of theological issues for which there is no uniformity in belief. He maintains that the […]

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The Christian Seder Meal as Sacrament and Precursor to the Fulfillment of Romans 11

The Christian Seder Meal as Sacrament and Precursor to the Fulfillment of Romans 11

Several weeks ago I posted a Facebook notice with pictures enthusiastically describing a Christian Passover I participated in at the church of Christ the King (Anglican) in Hiawassee, GA. The service was marked by observing the Jewish Passover rituals and prayers, but with Christian interpretations added. Some of the men of the parish, including the […]

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Roger Olson: What Baptists get wrong about the Sacraments

Roger Olson: What Baptists get wrong about the Sacraments

Roger E. Olson, “Why I Think Baptists (and ‘baptists’) Have It Wrong about the Sacraments” Patheos (May 27, 2016). I have found this article by Dr. Olson, professor of theology at Baylor University, most interesting. It is specifically limited to his fellow Baptists, but has much to commend it to a broader audience. Dr. Olson’s […]

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Roger Olson: Should Western Christians Rediscover Exorcism?

Roger Olson: Should Western Christians Rediscover Exorcism?

Roger E. Olson, “Should Western Christians Rediscover Exorcism?” Patheos (June 9, 2016). This is a most interesting article. The author, a noted Evangelical scholar and pastor, was involved in the early charismatic movement where he saw some of the extremes of the early charismatic deliverance movement. For instance, in some meetings, charismatic evangelists/exorcists provided the […]

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Denzil Miller: Spirit-Empowered Mission

Denzil Miller: Spirit-Empowered Mission

Denzil R. Miller, Spirit-Empowered Mission: Africa’s Decade of Pentecost and the New Testament “Strategy of the Spirit” (Springfield MO: AIA Publications, 2013). I had been given opportunity to review Denzil R. Miller’s 35 page booklet, Spirit-Empowered Mission: Africa’s Decade of Pentecost and the New Testament “Strategy of the Spirit.” Miller gives us here a brief […]

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Denzil Miller: How to Preach on the Baptism in the Holy Spirit

Denzil Miller: How to Preach on the Baptism in the Holy Spirit

Denzil R. Miller, How to Preach on the Baptism in the Holy Spirit (Springfield MO: AIA Publications, 2013). Dr. Denzil R. Miller has written an important and timely work that will be a great tool for pastors and teachers of the Pentecostal persuasion. This small e-book lists all the ingredients that are necessary for a […]

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Simon Holley: Sustainable Power

Simon Holley: Sustainable Power

Simon Holley, Sustainable Power: Creating a Healthy Culture of the Supernatural in the Church Today (Crownhill, Milton Keynes: Authentic Media Limited, 2013), 259 pages, ISBN 9781860248849. Sustainable Power is the story of a pastor, who along with his congregation, took a journey toward ministering in the supernatural power of God. Though this was not a significant […]

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Rolland Baker: Keeping the Fire

Rolland Baker: Keeping the Fire

Rolland Baker, Keeping the Fire: Sustaining Revival Through Love: The Five Core Values of Iris Global (Kent, United Kingdom: River Publishing & Media Ltd., 2015), 152 pages, ISBN 9781908393555. Rolland Baker, along with his wife, Heidi, have served on the mission field for the last 35 years, most of their time has been spent in […]

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Ed Shaw: Same-Sex Attraction and the Church

Ed Shaw: Same-Sex Attraction and the Church

Ed Shaw, Same-Sex Attraction and the Church: The Surprising Plausibility of the Celibate Life (Downers Grove: IVP Books, 2015), 172 pages. Ed Shaw was educated at Durham University and Oak Hill Theological College. He is the pastor of Emmanuel City Centre in Bristol, England, and part of the editorial team at He has worked […]

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Jim Goll: Deliverance from Darkness

Jim Goll: Deliverance from Darkness

James W. Goll, Deliverance from Darkness: The Essential Guide to Defeating Demonic Strongholds and Oppression (Grand Rapids, MI: Chosen Books, 2010), 224 pages, ISBN 9780800794811. In this book, James W. Goll examines the demonic through the lens of spiritual warfare. He argues that every Christian has the responsibility to engage in battle against the forces […]

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Zachary Tackett: "Why I Became A Pentecostal Theologian"

Zachary Tackett: “Why I Became A Pentecostal Theologian”

Zachary Tackett, “Why I Became A Pentecostal Theologian” Ecclesiam (April 12, 2016). Zachary Tackett has written a beautiful brief personal testimony about why he is a Pentecostal theologian, and I offer my heartiest AMEN to his ecumenical Pentecostal vision. “The message of Pentecost declared that all peoples – of all languages and ethnicities, women and […]

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Celebrate the Equipping Church

Celebrate the Equipping Church

Every church has an awesome privilege of supporting, encouraging, training, and equipping each person to fulfill their God-given purpose. Party Time? Everyone loves a good party. We all love to celebrate our accomplishments and enjoy our successes—not to mention relishing the flattery of our peers. Relish …That reminds me, we’re going to need almost a dozen […]

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George Gallup: The Next American Spirituality

George Gallup: The Next American Spirituality

George Gallup with Timothy K. Jones, The Next American Spirituality: Finding God in the Twenty-first Century (David C Cook, 2000), 205 pages. George Gallup outlines what he feels will be the next true spiritual movement in America. This book is a survey that answers two main questions. First, what is the daily shape of faith […]

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