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Winter 2010: Other Significant Articles

CT 200909Milton Acosta, “Power Pentecostalisms: The ‘non-Catholic’ Latin American church is going full steam ahead—but are we on the right track?” Christianity Today (August 2009), pages 40-42.

The capacity of Latino Pentecostalism to bring hope and even initiate a new form of democracy is an unmeasured potential, but their independence and neo-Pentecostalism has no instrument for maintaining doctrinal purity and may leave them with little connection to classical Pentecostalism.


MF200905Mission Frontiers (May-August 2009).

Few have left such a mark on global missions as did Dr. Ralph D. Winter (1924-2009). The special May-August issue offers a 60-page tribute to this innovative missionary, missiologist and educator.

Find the full issue of the magazine: [available Mar 13, 2014]

An opportunity to share a significant memory at:


CT 200910Cary McMullen, “Holding Their Tongues: The Assemblies of God asks whether its distinctive teaching is being lost in outreach efforts” Christianity Today (October, 2009), pages 15-17, 18-19.




MT200907David Ruis, “Canned Worship: We’ve refined it, packaged it, branded it, marketed it and made and industry of it. But is God buying our modern worship?” Ministry Today (July/August 2009), pages 36-38, 40.

Ruis exposes deep problems that have arisen from us commodifying “worship” and offers church leaders suggestions for expressing a new kind of liturgy that is worthy of God.

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Category: Winter 2010

About the Author: The editors are Raul Mock, Mike Dies, Joe Joslin, and Jim Dettmann with significant input from other writers including John Lathrop, Amos Yong, Tony Richie, and Kevin Williams.

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