Vinson Synan: 2000 Years of Prophetic Ministry
Vinson Synan, “2000 Years of Prophetic Ministry: Read the Stories Behind the Gift” Ministries Today (Sep/Oct, 2004), pages 24-28.
Vinson Synan, perhaps the leading historian of the modern Pentecostal movement, presents a two part review of the place prophecy has held in the church. The “centuries of suppression” lasted for about 1900 years, and generally were not very happy or fruitful for the prophetic gifts. The second portion of the review tells of prophecy’s gain in the eyes of church leaders and the laity since the days when William Seymour laid his hands upon and prophesied for the many men and women who had received the “message” at Azusa Street and went forth from there.
Synan has the great advantage of being part of our history and knowing many that played key roles in that unraveling of blessing and wonder in the last 100 years. He touches on half a dozen prophecies that changed the world as well discussing the need for us, today’s leaders, to teach how we are to minister in this great gift to the church and to the world that God so loves. Sound teaching about how one should prophesy is something that should interest all Christian leaders.
Reviewed by H. Murray Hohns
Read the article from Ministries Today archives: [available as of June 24, 2014]
Category: Church History, Spring 2005