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Tag: "prophetic"

Prophetic Reformation

Prophetic Reformation

In this guest article, Pastor R. Loren Sandford calls for a reformation of the prophetic movement after the many failed prophecies of 2020 including predictions about COVID-19 and the re-election of President Trump. Never in my life have I felt such a sense of disarray in the body of Christ, and most especially around prophetic […]

Keys To The Apostolic And Prophetic: Embracing the Authentic Avoiding the Bizarre

Keys To The Apostolic And Prophetic: Embracing the Authentic Avoiding the Bizarre

Joseph S. Girdler and Carolyn Tennant, Keys To The Apostolic And Prophetic: Embracing the Authentic Avoiding the Bizarre (Crestwood, KY: Meadow Stream Publishing, 2019), 228 pages, ISBN 9781733795241. The authors of this book are both ordained ministers with the Assemblies of God. Joseph Girdler has served in pastoral ministry and is currently the Superintendent of […]

Seven Tests of a True Prophetic Word

Seven Tests of a True Prophetic Word

God is speaking today and Pastor Loren Sandford urges all of us to pursue biblical discernment.   With so many questionable prophetic words circulating these days, concerning both the wider world and personal prophecies, wouldn’t it be a good thing for the body of Christ to sharpen its discernment? I fear that to fail to do this […]

Luke Johnson: Prophetic Jesus, Prophetic Church

Luke Johnson: Prophetic Jesus, Prophetic Church

Luke Timothy Johnson, Prophetic Jesus, Prophetic Church: The Challenge of Luke-Acts to Contemporary Christians (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2011), 198 pages, ISBN 9780802803900. Luke Timothy Johnson is a first-rate biblical exegete and a Roman Catholic. He takes the reader through Luke and Acts, seeing in both the fulfillment in Jesus of the prophetic in the messianic […]

Loren Sandford: The Prophetic Church

Loren Sandford: The Prophetic Church

R. Loren Sandford, The Prophetic Church: Wielding the Power to Change the World (Grand Rapids: Baker, 2009), 218 pages, ISBN 9780800794620. Loren Sandford, senior pastor of New Song Fellowship, is a graduate of Fuller Theological Seminary and a widely recognized leader within the charismatic renewal. He has authored several books, and written, produced, and recorded […]

Prophetic Ministry: an interview with John Paul Jackson

Prophetic Ministry: an interview with John Paul Jackson

    Do you think that the Christian church as a whole is becoming more receptive to prophetic ministry? Yes, I do believe that is happening. I say that for several reasons, four of which I’d like to address here. The first is obvious to me personally—I am speaking in many more denominational settings. Ten […]

Loren Sandford: Understanding Prophetic People

Loren Sandford: Understanding Prophetic People

R. Loren Sandford, Understanding Prophetic People: Blessings and Problems with the Prophetic Gift (Grand Rapids, MI, Chosen Books, 2007), 240 pages. R. Loren Sandford is pastor of New Song Fellowship in Denver, Colorado; he is also the son of John Loren Sandford, co-founder of the Elijah House. Pastor Sandford is himself prophetic and grew up […]

Loren Sandford: Purifying the Prophetic

Loren Sandford: Purifying the Prophetic

    R. Loren Sandford, Purifying the Prophetic: Breaking Free from the Spirit of Self-Fulfillment (Grand Rapids: Chosen, 2005), 203 pages. Loren Sandford writes with a twofold purpose: He seeks to confront the culture of self-centered Christianity and to refocus the Charismatic Church on the work and the imitation of Christ. He speaks with a […]

The Colossian Heresy Revisited: Has the Prophetic Stream Lost Its Focus?

The Colossian Heresy Revisited: Has the Prophetic Stream Lost Its Focus?

In this guest editorial, Eddie Hyatt points us to Jesus as antidote to wayward spirituality. While driving to class a few days ago I asked God for a theme for that day. I was teaching from the book of Colossians and had a vague idea where I was going, but desired more clarity about a […]

Vinson Synan: 2000 Years of Prophetic Ministry

Vinson Synan: 2000 Years of Prophetic Ministry

  Vinson Synan, “2000 Years of Prophetic Ministry: Read the Stories Behind the Gift” Ministries Today (Sep/Oct, 2004), pages 24-28. Vinson Synan, perhaps the leading historian of the modern Pentecostal movement, presents a two part review of the place prophecy has held in the church. The “centuries of suppression” lasted for about 1900 years, and […]

John the Baptist and the Prophetic Spirit of Pentecost

John the Baptist and the Prophetic Spirit of Pentecost

  In this article, Professor James Hernando is sure to challenge you with the urgency and mandate of prophetic preaching. But Peter, taking his stand with the eleven, raised his voice and declared to them: “Men of Judea and all you who live in Jerusalem, let this be known to you and give heed to […]

Graham Cooke: Developing Your Prophetic Gifting

Graham Cooke: Developing Your Prophetic Gifting

  Graham Cooke, Developing Your Prophetic Gifting (Chosen Books, 2003), 284 pages, ISBN 9780800793265. I operate well in the gift of prophecy and interpreting tongues. I thus enjoy reading the thoughts of others who, too, share this realm. My first experience with prophecy was back in the late 60’s when the Philadelphia Gospel Temple was […]

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