The Speaking in Tongues Controversy: Editor Conclusion

Cover from the 2003 Xulon edition.
Thank you for joining us to discuss Rick Walston’s book The Speaking in Tongues Controversy: The Initial, Physical Evidence of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit.
Rick Walston, The Speaking in Tongues Controversy: The Initial, Physical Evidence of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit (Fairfax, VA: Xulon Press, 2003), 235 pages.
Editor’s Note
As mentioned briefly in our last issue, a rejoinder from Rick Walston will not be appearing at this time in answer to Robert Graves’ “Narrative-Critical Response.” I encourage you to read Walston’s book for yourself, The Speaking in Tongues Controversy: The Initial, Physical Evidence of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit Debate. The book is now available for purchase online from publisher Wipf and Stock at this address: [as of February 13, 2015]
Reader responses about the topic of initial evidence and the baptism in the Holy Spirit, as well as discussion about Rick Walston’s book, are most welcome.

Rick Walston in 2008
Update: Response available online
Although Pneuma Review did not publish the response from Rick Walston, he has made his rebuttal available on his blog.
Rick Walston’s Response to Robert Graves’s Review http://www.columbiaseminary.
For further reading
Gordon L. Anderson, “Baptism In The Holy Spirit, Initial Evidence, And A New Model” Enrichment (Winter 2005).
Dr. Gordon L. Anderson’s wrote a very insightful article that addresses the question: “How can Pentecostals deal with the problems raised by non-Pentecostals on issues of Holy Spirit baptism and still retain their Pentecostal position? Consider this new model.” The article was originally published in the 2005 winter issue of the AoG’s Enrichment Journal.
Patrick Kierkegaard (on February 12, 2015)
Invitation repeated
I do invite you again to write with your comments and insights. Please participate by adding your comments under the articles or send email to the Editor by way of our Contact page.
— Raul Mock, Executive Editor
Category: Spirit, Spring 2006