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Category: Spring 2006

Francis MacNutt: The Nearly Perfect Crime

Francis MacNutt: The Nearly Perfect Crime

Francis MacNutt, The Nearly Perfect Crime: How the Church Almost Killed the Ministry of Healing (Chosen, 2005), 256 pages. Francis MacNutt has written an insightful book about how the ministry of healing has been greatly diminished in the Church for centuries (almost 1600 hundred years!). Healing was a major part of the ministry of Jesus […]

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Bill Hull: It's Just Not Working

Bill Hull: It’s Just Not Working

  Bill Hull, “It’s Just Not Working” Leadership (Summer 2005), pages 26-28. Bill Hull challenges the philosophical foundation upon which many ministries are based. We live today in a world where the church attendance number—that one number—allegedly speaks volumes about that church, its leaders, and its mission. The undue importance of that number should be […]

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Agnes Sanford: Apostle of Healing and First Theologian of the Charismatic Renewal, Part 1, by William L. De Arteaga

Agnes Sanford: Apostle of Healing and First Theologian of the Charismatic Renewal, Part 1, by William L. De Arteaga

Part 1 of 2 Introduction In 1985 Dave Hunt, a lay cult watcher, published one of the most influential books of the 1980s, The Seduction of Christianity.1 In that work he lambasted much of the leadership of the charismatic renewal for “seducing” the American Christianity with ideas and practices derived from occult sources. He attacked […]

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The Secret Codes in Matthew: Examining Israel’s Messiah, Part 20: Matthew 26:1-30, by Kevin M. Williams

The Secret Codes in Matthew: Examining Israel’s Messiah, Part 20: Matthew 26:1-30, by Kevin M. Williams

Messiah celebrates his final Passover on earth, teaching us much about His own identity as the Paschal Lamb. And it came about that when Jesus had finished all these words, He said to His disciples, “You know that after two days the Passover is coming …” (Matthew 26:1-2a).1 Passover: the overriding event in Israel at […]

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Precedents and Possibilities: Pentecostal Perspectives on World Religions

Precedents and Possibilities: Pentecostal Perspectives on World Religions

  An introduction to theology of religions:  Pentecostal/charismatic leaders cannot afford to ignore the fact of religious pluralism. How should we engage people of other religions in such a way as to share the love of Jesus without compromising the message? Editors Notes: The Pneuma Review editorial committee asked Brother Richie to tell us about […]

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Review Essay, Keeping the Balance

Review Essay, Keeping the Balance

The introduction of this review essay appeared in the Spring 2006 issue of Pneuma Review. Phillip Duce and Daniel Strange, eds., Keeping the Balance (Intervarsity Press, 2001), 238 pages, 9780851114828. Approaching theological and religious studies at university-level can present Christians with some special challenges. Cherished beliefs will probably be called into question and deeply held […]

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Rightly Understanding God’s Word: The Reader’s “Social Location,” by Craig S. Keener

Rightly Understanding God’s Word: The Reader’s “Social Location,” by Craig S. Keener

Part of the Rightly Understanding God’s Word series by Craig S. Keener. As appearing in Pneuma Review Spring 2006 The Reader’s “Social Location” For those of us who embrace the Bible as God’s Word, our goal is always to hear what God was saying in Scripture. Because we believe God inspired the authors, we look […]

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Jamie Smith: Introducing Radical Orthodoxy

Jamie Smith: Introducing Radical Orthodoxy

  James K.A. Smith, Introducing Radical Orthodoxy: Mapping a Post-secular Theology (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Academic, 2004), 291 pages. Post-modernism is a philosophical perspective many Christians are now embracing in order to overcome the debilitating effects of modernity on the Christian church. What is refreshing about James Smith’s book is that he questions whether this […]

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Considering the Apocrypha as Canon?

Considering the Apocrypha as Canon?

Kevin Williams in his article “Spiritual Ecstasy,” which appeared in the Fall 2005 issue of the Pneuma Review, says: “While not considered canon by either the Jewish or Christian camps …” referring to 2 Esdras (also known as Ezra 4). I thought that Roman Catholics, the Amish, Anglicans, and no doubt some other “Christian” groups […]

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The Rise of Evangelicalism: The Age of the Edwards, Whitefield, and the Wesleys

The Rise of Evangelicalism: The Age of the Edwards, Whitefield, and the Wesleys

Mark A. Noll, The Rise of Evangelicalism: The age of the Edwards, Whitefield, and the Wesleys, A History of Evangelicalism, People, Movements and Ideas in the English-Speaking World I (Downers Grove, IL: Inter Varsity Press, 2003). This is a splendid book that I found to be very rewarding reading. It is well thought out and […]

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The Power of the Cross: Introduction

The Power of the Cross: Introduction

  Introduction Increasing millions of believers worldwide claim that God still works miraculously through His people today.1 They claim that Christians should expect to preach the gospel and minister the gospel’s power with all the gifts of the Spirit, including the miraculous gifts (prophecy, word of knowledge, word of wisdom, gifts of healing, working of […]

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The Speaking in Tongues Controversy: Editor Conclusion

The Speaking in Tongues Controversy: Editor Conclusion

  Thank you for joining us to discuss Rick Walston’s book The Speaking in Tongues Controversy: The Initial, Physical Evidence of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit.   Rick Walston, The Speaking in Tongues Controversy: The Initial, Physical Evidence of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit (Fairfax, VA: Xulon Press, 2003), 235 pages.       […]

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The Speaking in Tongues Controversy: Reader Responses

The Speaking in Tongues Controversy: Reader Responses

Thank you for joining us to discuss Rick Walston’s book The Speaking in Tongues Controversy: The Initial, Physical Evidence of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit.   Rick Walston, The Speaking in Tongues Controversy: The Initial, Physical Evidence of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit (Fairfax, VA: Xulon Press, 2003), 235 pages.         […]

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Coming in the Summer 2006 (9:3) Issue

Coming in the Summer 2006 (9:3) Issue

    The Secret Codes in Matthew: Examining Israel’s Messiah. Messianic teacher Kevin Williams continues his Messianic Foundations Series with part 21 of his commentary on the Gospel of Matthew. Kevin examines Messiah’s night-time trial before the Sanhedrin, pointing to the fulfillment of Messianic prophecy and the travesty of justice that took place.     […]

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