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The Resurrection of Jesus, A Jewish Perspective

If you are in the least bit interested in Jewish evangelism, this book is a useful tool because of its Orthodox author, a strong emphasis on the Hebraic context, and as source material from a non-Christian who has no pro-evangelistic agenda. You will come away from this significant book with a new appreciation for the resurrection of Jesus. You will have an appreciation from a perspective you may never before have considered—the Jewish culture into which Jesus was not only born, ministered, and died—but was faithfully, theologically, and miraculously resurrected.

Reviewed by Kevin M. Williams


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Category: Living the Faith, Pneuma Review, Spring 2004

About the Author: Kevin M. Williams, Litt.D., H.L.D. has served in Messianic ministries since 1987 and has written numerous articles and been a featured speaker at regional and international conferences on Messianic Judaism.

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