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Tag: "pentecostalism"

David Martin: Pentecostalism

David Martin: Pentecostalism

  David Martin, Pentecostalism: The World Their Parish (Oxford: Blackwell Publishers Ltd., 2002), 197+xviii pages, ISBN 9780631231219. How is Pentecostalism shaping the world? David Martin’s thesis is the sociological argument that Pentecostalism functions to advance modernism through the process of secularization. Secularization does not mean a loss of faith, but a reconfiguration of faith in […]

Across the Lines: Charles Parham’s Contribution to the Inter-Racial Character of Early Pentecostalism, by Eddie Hyatt

Across the Lines: Charles Parham’s Contribution to the Inter-Racial Character of Early Pentecostalism, by Eddie Hyatt

With comments by Pauline Parham, daughter-in-law of Charles Parham, who passed away at the age of 94 on December 22, 2003 He has been called a “rabid racist” and a “white supremacist.” He has been vilified as the progenitor of racial prejudice in the Pentecostal movement. Some believe that any traces of racism among modern […]

Pentecostalism and Ecumenism: Past, Present, and Future (Part 5 of 5) by Amos Yong

Pentecostalism and Ecumenism: Past, Present, and Future (Part 5 of 5) by Amos Yong

Amos Yong challenges classical Pentecostals to re-examine what ecumenism really is. V. Pentecostalism and Ecumenism: Future Prospects and Tasks My conclusion is that Pentecostals need the larger Church even as the larger Church needs Pentecostalism. Thus, the quest for a biblically based and Spirit inspired Christian unity must include both movements. In this last section […]

Pentecostalism and Ecumenism: Past, Present, and Future (Part 4 of 5) by Amos Yong

Pentecostalism and Ecumenism: Past, Present, and Future (Part 4 of 5) by Amos Yong

Amos Yong challenges classical Pentecostals to re-examine what ecumenism really is. IV. Pentecostal Ecumenism: A Survey If it is true to say that Pentecostalism has always been ecumenical, it is also true to say that in certain respects, the ecumenical movement has always been “pentecostal.” In what follows, I want to tease out three elements […]

Pentecostalism and Ecumenism: Past, Present, and Future (Part 3 of 5) by Amos Yong

Pentecostalism and Ecumenism: Past, Present, and Future (Part 3 of 5) by Amos Yong

Amos Yong challenges classical Pentecostals to re-examine what ecumenism really is. III. Ecumenical Pentecostalism: A Historical Overview I hope to have shown that Pentecostal anti-ecumenism stems in part from theological convictions imported into rather than derived from the Pentecostal experience of the Spirit. Such importations have inhibited Pentecostals from a genuine understanding of what the […]

Pentecostalism and Ecumenism: Past, Present, and Future (Part 2 of 5) by Amos Yong

Pentecostalism and Ecumenism: Past, Present, and Future (Part 2 of 5) by Amos Yong

Amos Yong challenges classical Pentecostals to re-examine what ecumenism really is. II. Classical Pentecostal Objections to Ecumenism Given this biblically defined ecumenism [Editor’s note: please see part 1 in the Winter 2001 issue], then, why is it that most Pentecostals remain staunchly anti-ecumenical? While many reasons have been given, three stand out as representing a […]

Pentecostalism and Ecumenism: Past, Present, and Future  (Part 1 of 5) by Amos Yong

Pentecostalism and Ecumenism: Past, Present, and Future (Part 1 of 5) by Amos Yong

Amos Yong challenges classical Pentecostals to re-examine what ecumenism really is. Editor’s Introduction to “Pentecostalism and Ecumenism: Past, Present, and Future” I am pleased to present this important series by Professor Amos Yong. The subject of what ecumenism truly is and what it means to the Pentecostal/charismatic is an important one today. This article has […]

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