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Tag: "pentecostal"

Strange Fire? Not in a Global Pentecostal Context of Ministry

Strange Fire? Not in a Global Pentecostal Context of Ministry

“Strange Fire”? Not in a Global Pentecostal Context of Ministry An international panel of ministry veterans responds to John MacArthur’s Strange Fire Dony K. Donev with Dennis Balcombe, Hanny Setiawan and Marius Lombaard Almost one year ago, internationally known author John MacArthur began campaigning for his new book Strange Fire. With lots of material written […]

A Pentecostal Appropriation of the Wesleyan Quadrilateral

A Pentecostal Appropriation of the Wesleyan Quadrilateral

Having only been in existence for a little over one hundred years, Pentecostalism is still in its adolescence as a movement.1  As a result, biblical and theological scholarship has only belatedly begun to develop in Pentecostalism.2  More recently the movement has undergone several phases in which it has become less skeptical and more open to […]

Spiritual Transformation through Pentecostal Testimony, by Tony Richie

Spiritual Transformation through Pentecostal Testimony, by Tony Richie

A presentation by Tony Richie at Ministers’ Week 2014 at the Pentecostal Theological Seminary.

Pentecostal Hermeneutics: Approach and Methodology

Pentecostal Hermeneutics: Approach and Methodology

Introduction Defining an ultimate Pentecostal hermeneutic is not an easy thing. This is because Pentecostalism by itself is a diverse phenomenon consisting of different types of groups. There is no homogeneity in Pentecostal grouping because different Pentecostal factions are established within different traditions,[1] even though the underlying theological formation is the same. This diversity in […]

Highlights from Society for Pentecostal Studies 2014

Highlights from Society for Pentecostal Studies 2014 editors Mike Dies and Raul Mock were able to attend the 43rd meeting of the Society for Pentecostal Studies held at Evangel University from March 6-8, 2014. Here is a small sample of highlights from the convention. From left to right: Byron D. Klaus, President, Assemblies of God Theological Seminary. Raul Mock and Monte […]

The Holy Spirit and the Middle Way: A Pentecostal Inquiry in a Pluralistic World

The Holy Spirit and the Middle Way: A Pentecostal Inquiry in a Pluralistic World

Pentecostal Bible Schools

Pentecostal Bible Schools

This list of Bible schools is offered without cost as a resource to our visitors and we do not ask for any advertising compensation from the institutions listed there. However, we would not be able to continue our ministry or internet presence without the financial support of our members and friends. These are institutions that are operated […]

The Long Journey Home

The Long Journey Home

In Conversation with Andrew Schmutzer An interview with Andrew Schmutzer about The Long Journey Home: Understanding and Ministering to the Sexually Abused, and part 1 of his chapter, “A Theology of Sexuality and its Abuse: Creation, Evil, and the Relational Ecosystem” as appearing in Pneuma Review Summer 2013.           Note from […]

Interview with Randy Clark

Interview with Randy Clark

Pastor, renewal leader, and scholar speaks with The Pneuma Review. Pneuma Review: Tell us about where you come from, what God has done in your life, and what he has called you to be doing.  Randy Clark: I was raised in a Christian home as a Baptist, educated at a BaptistUniversity and Seminary, presently completing […]

Global Pentecostal Renaissance? Reflections on Pentecostalism, Culture, and Higher Education, by Jeff Hittenberger

Global Pentecostal Renaissance? Reflections on Pentecostalism, Culture, and Higher Education, by Jeff Hittenberger

Introduction Not long ago, I attended Commencement exercises at the University of California’s Hastings College of Law in San Francisco. I was there to see a student named Kofi receive his law degree and to celebrate with his mother, Afi.1 Afi came to the United States from Togo with her husband more than twenty years […]

The Quest for a Pentecostal Theology, by Keith Warrington

The Quest for a Pentecostal Theology, by Keith Warrington

In this chapter from his book, Pentecostal Theology: A Theology of Encounter, British Pentecostal scholar Keith Warrington asks, how do you define what the core beliefs of Pentecostal theology are?   Introduction Clark observes that Pentecostal theology ‘is researched at the researcher’s peril’1 while Ma observes that it is ‘simply impossible’ to clearly identify what […]

Pietists as Pentecostal Forerunners

Pietists as Pentecostal Forerunners

Excerpts from the paper “The Petersens and the Silesian Kinderbeten Revival” by Eric Jonas Swensson. Lutheranism is a tradition born out of a dispute within the Roman Catholic Church. The blooming of German Lutheran Pietism, 1675-1725, a period commencing with Phillip Jakob Spener’s Pia Desideria and ending with the death of his protégé August Hermann Francke, […]

Highlights from Society for Pentecostal Studies 2012

Highlights from Society for Pentecostal Studies 2012

The 41st meeting of the Society for Pentecostal Studies was held at Regent University in Virginia Beach, Virginia, from February 29 to March 3, 2012. The theme of the convention was “Pentecostalisms, Peacemaking, and Social Justice/Righteousness.” As a doctoral student, I found the 2012 Society for Pentecostal Studies conference to be nothing less than exceptional. […]

A Pentecostal Perspective on Evangelism and Religious Pluralism: The Right Moment for an Important and Unprecedented Document, by Tony Richie

A Pentecostal Perspective on Evangelism and Religious Pluralism: The Right Moment for an Important and Unprecedented Document, by Tony Richie

On Tuesday, June 28, 2011 the news became public that an important, and in some ways, unprecedented, document on Christian witness and mission has been finalized and published. In the interest of full disclosure, along with several others, I helped write it. That doesn’t mean that what follows is a defense. Although some of us […]

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