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Tag: "pentecostal"

Pioneer Women of Pentecostal Revivals

Pioneer Women of Pentecostal Revivals

Leah Payne speaks with about her book, Gender and Pentecostal Revivalism. For your book, Gender and Pentecostal Revivalism, why did you concentrate on the ministry of two revivalists? Leah Payne: I wanted to explore how gender (as well as race and class) shaped Pentecostal Revivalism over time, so I chose revivalists who […]

Pentecostal Theological Education: Shiloh Bible College China

Pentecostal Theological Education: Shiloh Bible College China

What does Spirit-filled education look like around the world? Seasoned missionary Dennis Balcombe introduces us to Shiloh Bible College in Shenzhen, China. Part of the Pentecostal Theological Education Around the World series from What does Pentecostal Theological Education look like in China? Dennis Balcombe: For this answer I will focus on Shiloh Bible […]

Harlyn Purdy: A Distinct Twenty-First Century Pentecostal Hermeneutic

Harlyn Purdy: A Distinct Twenty-First Century Pentecostal Hermeneutic

Harlyn Graydon Purdy, A Distinct Twenty-First Century Pentecostal Hermeneutic (Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2015). In this monograph, Harlyn Graydon Purdy, President of Pentecostal Bible College in Malawi, sets forth to contribute to the ongoing discussions about Pentecostal hermeneutics. The author expresses concerns regarding trends in Pentecostalism, such as allegorization – or what he calls […]

Zachary Tackett: "Why I Became A Pentecostal Theologian"

Zachary Tackett: “Why I Became A Pentecostal Theologian”

Zachary Tackett, “Why I Became A Pentecostal Theologian” Ecclesiam (April 12, 2016). Zachary Tackett has written a beautiful brief personal testimony about why he is a Pentecostal theologian, and I offer my heartiest AMEN to his ecumenical Pentecostal vision. “The message of Pentecost declared that all peoples – of all languages and ethnicities, women and […]

2016 Society for Pentecostal Studies: A Personal Reflection and General Report

2016 Society for Pentecostal Studies: A Personal Reflection and General Report

The 2016 Society for Pentecostal Studies meeting was by far one of the best ever! That was my experience, and it agrees with the input I heard from several colleagues. SPS began in 1970 as an organization of scholars dedicated to providing a discussion forum for all academic disciplines as a spiritual service to the […]

The 2016 Society for Pentecostal Studies Convention in Review

The 2016 Society for Pentecostal Studies Convention in Review

The 45th Annual Meeting of the Society for Pentecostal Studies (2016) was hosted in San Dimas, California at LIFE Pacific College which is associated with the International Church of the Foursquare Gospel. The following sessions are only a small sampling of those which occurred over the three days of the meeting. For the Theology Interest […]

Introducing the Asian Center for Pentecostal Theology

Introducing the Asian Center for Pentecostal Theology editor Raul Mock asked Robert Menzies to tell us about himself and the new Asian Center for Pentecostal Theology (ACPT). I have provided below what I hope might be a useful introduction to the ACPT website and myself, including a blurb on my recent book on speaking in tongues. The Asian Center for Pentecostal […]

Wesleyan-Pentecostal Symposium 2016

Wesleyan-Pentecostal Symposium 2016

Dr. Donald Dayton is this year’s keynote speaker at the Wesleyan-Pentecostal Symposium, a one-day event hosted by Master’s Pentecostal Seminary and Tyndale Seminary. Tuesday, March 22, 9:00AM to 4:00PM. Tickets are $15. For the full list of speakers and to register, visit:

Anglican Pentecostal Perspective on Charismatic Leaders Fellowship 2016

Anglican Pentecostal Perspective on Charismatic Leaders Fellowship 2016

The yearly Charismatic Leaders Fellowship met at Oral Roberts University from February 22nd to the 25th. This group has functioned as a discerning and analytical element of the Charismatic Renewal. In the past, for instance, the group dealt with such issues as the mass deliverance meetings that were fashionable in the 1970s, and the discipleship […]

Steven Felix-Jager: Pentecostal Aesthetics

Steven Felix-Jager: Pentecostal Aesthetics

Steven Félix-Jäger, Pentecostal Aesthetics: Theological Reflections in a Pentecostal Philosophy of Art and Aesthetics, Global Pentecostal and Charismatic Studies 16 (Leiden: Brill, 2015) ISBN 9789004285637. Hardly a Christian tradition is more obsessed with the physical and embodied forms of the Christian life than Pentecostalism. The Pentecostal movement manifests a change among contemporary religious traditions in […]

An Invisible Postmodern Pentecostal Church

An Invisible Postmodern Pentecostal Church

In this guest article by David Redden, he discusses what an integrated paradigm of worship and discipleship might look like for today’s Pentecostal/charismatic. There is much talk about today as to what is Postmodern. You can read books and articles from Leonard Sweet to Peter Wagner and get as many variations on that theme as […]

Conference on Karl Barth’s Pneumatology and the Global Pentecostal Movement

Conference on Karl Barth’s Pneumatology and the Global Pentecostal Movement

Mark plans to attend the 2016 Karl Barth Conference June 19-22, 2016 at Princeton Theological Seminary. Conference description from The Center for Barth Studies: Karl Barth’s Pneumatology and the Global Pentecostal Movement Karl Barth’s pneumatology is a contentious subject, especially when read in critical relationship to his conception of divine and human agency and his […]

What Women Want: Pentecostal Women Ministers Speak For Themselves

What Women Want: Pentecostal Women Ministers Speak For Themselves

Kimberly Ervin Alexander and James P. Bowers, What Women Want: Pentecostal Women Ministers Speak For Themselves (Lanham, MD: Seymour Press, 2013), 166 pages. The Church of God (Cleveland, TN) is one of the major Pentecostal bodies in the United States. This book contains the results of a study conducted in that denomination regarding women and […]

Handbook of Pentecostal Christianity, reviewed by Wolfgang Vondey

Handbook of Pentecostal Christianity, reviewed by Wolfgang Vondey

Adam Stewart, ed., Handbook of Pentecostal Christianity (De Kalb, IL: Northern Illinois University Press, 2012), 240 pages, ISBN 9780875806723. A handbook of Pentecostal Christianity is an important addition to the growth of recent literature introducing Pentecostal beliefs and practices. Twenty-four scholars provide concise essays on fifty topics in a format of a Reader or Introduction […]

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