Interview with Randy Clark
Pastor, renewal leader, and scholar speaks with The Pneuma Review.
Pneuma Review: Tell us about where you come from, what God has done in your life, and what he has called you to be doing.
Randy Clark:
I was raised in a Christian home as a Baptist, educated at a BaptistUniversity and Seminary, presently completing a doctor of ministry at a United Methodist seminary. I entered the ministry at 18 in 1970. I pastored for 30 years, and itinerated since 1994 while continuing to pastor until 2001 when I resigned to only itinerate. I have been married since July 1975. I have 4 adult children and three grandchildren.
I was healed at 18 and at 57, both times from serious conditions. I pastored in the General Baptist, United Church of Christ, American Baptist, Vineyard, and The Church of the Great Commission. I served on the council of the Association of Vineyard Churches. I founded the ministry called Global Awakening, then the Apostolic Network of Global Awakening. Also, founded the Global School of Supernatural Ministry, and the Christian Healing Certification Program. I was used by God to begin the Toronto Blessing revival in 1994. I started the Randy Clark scholars at United Theological seminary in Dayton, Ohio in 2013, where I am working on developing a Master of Divinity degree with a concentration in Renewal-Supernatural.
I am working around the world doing conferences, Schools of Healing and Impartation, and renewal meetings with a strong focus on healing and impartation.
PR: How has healing become a prominent part of your ministry?
Randy Clark:
When I was healed at 18, it kept me from losing my faith in the midst of liberal theological education. Healing led to experiencing revival. Healing and impartation for healing has created an opportunity for me to travel the world ministering. My doctoral dissertation is about healing, as are other dissertations by fellow students at the seminary.
PR: What kinds of healings have you seen take place?
Randy Clark:
Parkinson’s, MS, Paranoid Schizophrenia, bi-polar, cancers of many different kinds, strokes, blindness, deafness, couldn’t walk without crutches, scheduled amputations of leg below hip, below knee, and above ankle all healed and no amputations, loss of mobility and/or chronic pain from surgically implanted materials, many other types.
Category: Pneuma Review, Spirit, Summer 2013