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Tag: "pentecostal"

Pentecostal Theology in Africa

Pentecostal Theology in Africa

Clifford R. Clarke, ed., Pentecostal Theology in Africa, African Christian Studies Series (Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications, 2014). This compendium of articles put together by Clifton Clarke excels in being a clear, carefully presented and carefully argued account, taking a variety of different theologically-rooted angles on AP (African Pentecostalism). As would be expected, the tone is […]

Pentecostal Theology, Missions and History from Asian Perspective

Pentecostal Theology, Missions and History from Asian Perspective

I am pleased to announce that APTS Press has launched a brand new website, On this website you will find: All of the new books that we have published over the last five years—all available at good prices. Over 200 articles on Pentecostal Theology, Missions and History, dating back to the beginning of the […]

A Short Review of the Society for Pentecostal Studies 2018 Conference

A Short Review of the Society for Pentecostal Studies 2018 Conference

Rick Wadholm Jr. shares his highlights and reflections from the Society for Pentecostal Studies 2018 Annual Conference held at Pentecostal Theological Seminary, on the campus it shares with Lee University in Cleveland, Tennessee. The day before the meetings officially commenced for SPS in Cleveland, Tennessee, I took four of my students from Trinity Bible College […]

A Leading Pentecostal Theologian Asks the Catholic Church: Can we imagine an ecumenical future together?

A Leading Pentecostal Theologian Asks the Catholic Church: Can we imagine an ecumenical future together?

Mel Robeck is in Rome, Italy, February 12 through March 23, 2018 teaching a course titled “Global Pentecostalisms: Development, Doctrine, and Dialogue” at the Gregorian University, a premier Jesuit institution. While there, he also lectured at the Angelicum University, a Dominican school, on the nature of “Pentecostal Preaching.” He also participated with a Jesuit scholar […]

The Second Blessing of Spirit Baptism: British Reformation Roots of the Pentecostal Tradition

The Second Blessing of Spirit Baptism: British Reformation Roots of the Pentecostal Tradition

The belief that Christian conversion was followed by a “second blessing” experience originated with eighteenth century Anglican priest and founder of Methodism, John Wesley. As elaborated by Wesley and his associate, the English divine and apologist John Fletcher, this belief laid down much of the theological agenda for the nineteenth-century Holiness movement and the twentieth-century […]

Receiving a Pentecostal Witness: Toward an Ecumenism of the Spirit for the Third Millennium

Receiving a Pentecostal Witness: Toward an Ecumenism of the Spirit for the Third Millennium

Fifth Annual Nevin Lectures Amos Yong, presenting “Receiving a Pentecostal Witness: Toward an Ecumenism of the Spirit for the Third Millennium” When: February 16-17, 2018 Where: The Avon Theater in Birmingham, Alabama The Day of Pentecost signaled the emergence of a new people of God drawn from all tongues, tribes, and nations, yoked onto the history […]

Social Media and the Pentecostal Church

Social Media and the Pentecostal Church

In this March 2016 paper, Kyle Smith notes important issues about how Christians, particularly Pentecostals, are influenced by social media and how churches are using it to increase their reach. Where has the center moved? The purpose of this paper is to examine the effect of social media on the Pentecostal church. The history and […]

Pentecostal Theological Education: Asia Pacific Theological Seminary

Pentecostal Theological Education: Asia Pacific Theological Seminary

Asia Pacific Theological Seminary What does Spirit-filled education look like around the world? Dave Johnson, part of the faculty and leadership at Asia Pacific Theological Seminary, introduces us to the school and the state of education in the Asia Pacific region of the world. Part of the Pentecostal Theological Education Around the World series from […]

William De Arteaga: Pentecostal (and Anglican) Plays (and Postscripts)

William De Arteaga: Pentecostal (and Anglican) Plays (and Postscripts)

William De Arteaga, Pentecostal (and Anglican) Plays (and Postscripts) (CreateSpace, 2017), 148 pages,  ISBN 9781544150888. Those who only know Bill De Arteaga from his scholarly work will find this little book, less than 150 pages, to be a delightful romp. Unlike his columns in The Pneuma Review or previously published books these two scripts are […]

Pentecostal Theological Education: Indonesia

Pentecostal Theological Education: Indonesia

What does Spirit-filled education look like around the world? Theologian and educator, Ekaputra Tupamahu speaks with about Pentecostal theological education in Indonesia. Part of the Pentecostal Theological Education Around the World series. When did American Pentecostal missionaries start to go to Indonesia? Ekaputra Tupamahu: To make a long story short, early American […]

Highlights from Society for Pentecostal Studies 2017

Highlights from Society for Pentecostal Studies 2017

Mike Dies and I were able to attend the 46th Annual Meeting of the Society for Pentecostal Studies which was held at the St. Louis Marriott Hotel, March 9-11, 2017. I always enjoy the opportunity to listen to what world-class Pentecostal scholars are producing and it is a real pleasure to reconnect with writers. […]

Pentecostal Theological Education: FIRE School of Ministry

Pentecostal Theological Education: FIRE School of Ministry

FIRE School of Ministry What does Spirit-filled education look like around the world? Brandon Paul, Director of Academic Affairs for FIRE School of Ministry, gives a brief sketch of the school and how they prepare men and women for ministry that makes a difference in the USA and beyond. Part of the Pentecostal Theological Education […]

Pentecostal Theological Education: Latin America Theological Seminary

Pentecostal Theological Education: Latin America Theological Seminary

What does Spirit-filled education look like around the world? The President of Facultad de Teología, Allen Martin, tells us how this seminary is training men and women across the Spanish-speaking world. Part of the Pentecostal Theological Education Around the World series from My name is Allen Martin and I have been a missionary with […]

Pentecostal Theological Education: Filadelphia Bible College India

Pentecostal Theological Education: Filadelphia Bible College India

What does Spirit-filled education look like around the world? The principal of Filadelphia Bible College, Finny Philip, tells us about this ministry training center in Udaipur City in Rajasthan, India. Part of the Pentecostal Theological Education Around the World series from How readily available is theological education for Pentecostals in India?  Finny Philip: […]

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