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Tag: "fire"

Strange Fire and Churches of Christ

Strange Fire and Churches of Christ

By Guest Panelist Jonathan Storment. “We may ignore, but we can nowhere evade, the presence of God. The world is crowded with Him. He walks everywhere incognito.” -C.S. Lewis Maybe you’ve noticed that over the past few weeks, there has been a lot of talk around charismatic vs. not charismatic protestant Christians. Some people held a […]

Counterfeit Tongues in John MacArthur's Strange Fire

Counterfeit Tongues in John MacArthur’s Strange Fire

Why are W. A. Criswell and John MacArthur wrong when they claim that all tongues today are counterfeit?

Apostles in John MacArthur's Strange Fire

Apostles in John MacArthur’s Strange Fire

Is Peter Wagner right in saying the apostles are returning? Is MacArthur right when he claims Paul said he was the last of the apostles? What are the qualifications of true apostleship in the church today?

Strange Quotes from John MacArthur’s Strange Fire

Strange Quotes from John MacArthur’s Strange Fire

Do Pentecostal/charismatics treat the Holy Spirit, as MacArthur alleges, like an impersonal force? Do classical Pentecostals insist that all Christians should speak in tongues? More on the topic: John MacArthur’s Strange Fire: Estranged by misinterpretation? John MacArthur’s Strange Fire, Reviewed by R. Loren Sandford Frank Macchia on the Gifts of God to the Church John […]

John MacArthur’s Strange Fire, A Brief Biblical Response by Jon Ruthven

John MacArthur’s Strange Fire, A Brief Biblical Response by Jon Ruthven

John MacArthur, Strange Fire: The Danger of Offending the Holy Spirit with Counterfeit Worship (Nashville, TN: Nelson Books, 2013), 333 pages, ISBN 9781400206414. As we shall see, John MacArthur’s abhorrence of “further revelation” via prophecy and related spiritual gifts derives, not from scripture, but from the frustration of Calvinists under Oliver Cromwell (1599-1658) of watching […]

John MacArthur's Strange Fire, Reviewed by Eddie L. Hyatt

John MacArthur’s Strange Fire, Reviewed by Eddie L. Hyatt

This is a pre-publication review of John MacArthur, Strange Fire: The Danger of Offending the Holy Spirit with Counterfeit Worship (Thomas Nelson, Nov 12, 2013) 9781400205172. As a life-long Pentecostal-Charismatic, I recommend that every Pentecostal-Charismatic leader read Strange Fire by John MacArthur. I say this because we need to see how the bizarre “spiritual” behavior […]

Are Pentecostals offering Strange Fire?

Are Pentecostals offering Strange Fire?

  Did tongues and the supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit cease in the early church? John MacArthur says they did and that practicing them today is false worship—an abomination before God. Pneuma Review invites you to respond to these criticisms and to renew the biblical command to “desire spiritual gifts” (1 Cor 14:1). We’ve […]

Estrelda Alexander: Black Fire, reviewed by Wolfgang Vondey

Estrelda Alexander: Black Fire, reviewed by Wolfgang Vondey

Estrelda Y. Alexander, Black Fire: One Hundred Years of African American Pentecostalism (Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2011), 406 pages, ISBN 9780830825858. At a time where books on the first one hundred years of modern-day Pentecostalism are published with frequency, Alexander reminds us of the important heritage of African American Pentecostals. African and African American […]

The Fire of Revival with Eddie Hyatt

The Fire of Revival with Eddie Hyatt

John Lathrop interviews Eddie Hyatt about revival and his book Revival Fire.   John Lathrop: The word “revival” means different things to different people. How would you define “revival?” Eddie Hyatt: Revival is a sovereign work of the Holy Spirit in response to the prayers of God’s people, breathing new life into His people and […]

Randall Stephens: The Fire Spreads

Randall Stephens: The Fire Spreads

  Randall J. Stephens, The Fire Spreads: Holiness and Pentecostalism in the American South (Cambridge: Harvard University, 2008), 393 pages, ISBN 9780674026728. Classical Pentecostalism has often been described as a religion of the American South. Much of the story of the origins of Pentecostalism, however, and the precise influences of the South that shaped the […]

On Fire and Up to Date

On Fire and Up to Date

  An extended review of Amos Yong, The Spirit Poured Out on All Flesh: Pentecostalism and the Possibility of Global Theology (Baker Academic, 2005). Reviewed by Tony Richie. Read the shorter review in the Winter 2007 issue.   The oft overused term “instant classic” is, of course, an oxymoron. To become a true classic takes […]

Jim Cymbala: Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire

Jim Cymbala: Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire

Jim Cymbala with Dean Merrill, Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire: What Happens When God’s Spirit Invades the Hearts of His People (Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1997), 188 pages, ISBN 9780310211884. Jim Cymbala is the pastor of  the Brooklyn Tabernacle, New York, NY. Pastored by Cymbala since 1972, the Tabernacle has, as of 1996, began holding four […]

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