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Tag: "coming"

Coming in the Winter 2007 (10:1) Issue

Coming in the Winter 2007 (10:1) Issue

The Power of the Cross. The Pneuma Review is reprinting chapters from The Kingdom and the Power,which asks: “Are Healing and the Spiritual Gifts Used by Jesus and the Early Church Meant for the Church Today?” The Winter 2007 issue will feature “The Purpose of Signs and Wonders in the New Testament: What Terms for […]

Coming in the Fall 2006 (9:4) Issue

Coming in the Fall 2006 (9:4) Issue

  The Secret Codes in Matthew: Examining Israel’s Messiah. Messianic teacher Kevin Williams continues his Messianic Foundations Series with part 22 of his commentary on the Gospel of Matthew. Kevin examines the Passion of Messiah, putting the events in historical and Jewish perspective   The Power of the Cross. The Pneuma Review is reprinting chapters […]

Coming in the Summer 2006 (9:3) Issue

Coming in the Summer 2006 (9:3) Issue

    The Secret Codes in Matthew: Examining Israel’s Messiah. Messianic teacher Kevin Williams continues his Messianic Foundations Series with part 21 of his commentary on the Gospel of Matthew. Kevin examines Messiah’s night-time trial before the Sanhedrin, pointing to the fulfillment of Messianic prophecy and the travesty of justice that took place.     […]

Coming in the Spring 2006 (9:2) Issue

Coming in the Spring 2006 (9:2) Issue

  The Kingdom and the Power. The Pneuma Review has received permission to reprint chapters from this important work that asks: “Are Healing and the Spiritual Gifts Used by Jesus and the Early Church Meant for the Church Today?” Contributors to the volume include J. I. Packer, Jeffrey Niehaus, Stanley M. Burgess, Charles H. Kraft, […]

Coming in the Winter 2006 (9:1) Issue

Coming in the Winter 2006 (9:1) Issue

  The Speaking in Tongues Controversy. Robert Graves continues his review essay, “A Narrative-Critical Response,” Part 2. Graves asks if authorial intent is the doom of Pentecostal theology.     John Alexander Dowie. Pastor Derek Vreeland introduces us to revivalist John Dowie and his ministry of divine healing.     The Secret Codes in Matthew: […]

Coming in the Fall 2005 (8:4) Issue

Coming in the Fall 2005 (8:4) Issue

    Some of the content you can expect to see in our next issue.   Spiritual Ecstasy: Israeli Spirituality in the Days of Jesus the Messiah, by Kevin Williams Kevin Williams takes a break from his commentary on the Gospel of Matthew to talk about what the Pharisees of the New Testament era really […]

Coming in the Summer 2005 (8:3) Issue

Coming in the Summer 2005 (8:3) Issue

    Messianic teacher Kevin Williams continues his Messianic Foundations Series. In part 18 of The Secret Codes in Matthew: Examining Israel’s Messiah, Yeshua asks his examiners a question, “What do you think about the Christ, whose son is He?”   Pastor Daniel Brown studies biblical repentance, encouraging us to lose our folklore and gain […]

Coming in the Spring 2005 (8:2) Issue

Coming in the Spring 2005 (8:2) Issue

  Messianic teacher Kevin Williams continues his Messianic Foundations Series with the seventeenth chapter in a series on the Gospel of Matthew. Kevin will examine more of Jesus’ leadership and identity in the parables, taught as the days of his execution and resurrection draw near. Be sure to read every installment of this unique commentary […]

Coming in the Winter 2005 (8:1) Issue

Coming in the Winter 2005 (8:1) Issue

  Kevin Williams continues his Messianic Foundations Series with the sixteenth chapter in a mini-series on the Gospel of Matthew. In the coming issue, Kevin will be looking at the final week of Jesus’ life on earth with the triumphal entry into Jerusalem, and how even then he was meeting Jewish expectations of the coming […]

Coming in the Fall 2004 (7:4) Issue

Coming in the Fall 2004 (7:4) Issue

  Messianic teacher Kevin Williams continues his Messianic Foundations Series with part 15 of his series on Matthew. In the Fall issue, we shall begin the examination of the sometimes-thorny issue of “forgiveness.”   J. Rodman William’s book The Gift of the Holy Spirit Today (Logos, 1980) will conclude in the Fall issue with his […]

Coming in the Summer 2004 (7:3) Issue

Coming in the Summer 2004 (7:3) Issue

  Messianic teacher Kevin M. Williams continues his Messianic Foundations Series with the fourteenth chapter in a mini-series on the Gospel of Matthew. Kevin will be looking at the Hebraisms and Jewish background often missed to reveal beautiful prophetic pictures fulfilled at the coming of Messiah. In the next edition, we examine one teacher’s insight […]

Coming in the Spring 2004 (7:2) Issue

Coming in the Spring 2004 (7:2) Issue

    The Spring 2004 issue continues the study of Biblical interpretation with Professor Craig Keener. “Whole-Book Context,” Part 2 is a lesson about connecting the immediate context with the overall context of the book the passage is part of.   Messianic teacher Kevin M. Williams continues his Messianic Foundations Series with the thirteenth chapter […]

Coming in the Summer 2003 (6:3) Issue

Coming in the Summer 2003 (6:3) Issue

  The Summer 2003 issue continues the study of Biblical interpretation with Professor Craig Keener. Chapter Two: “Learning Context” is a lesson in reading the Scriptures for what they were intended to say instead of reading them according to our preconceived ideas.   Messianic teacher Kevin Williams continues his Messianic Foundations Series with the tenth […]

Coming in the Spring 2003 (6:2) Issue

Coming in the Spring 2003 (6:2) Issue

  Messianic teacher Kevin Williams continues his Messianic Foundations Series with the ninth chapter in a mini-series on the Gospel of Matthew. Readers will discover new insights into the messages of Messiah in “Yeshua the Parable Preacher” as Kevin investigates the rich background of the parables.     Chapters from J. Rodman William’s book The […]

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