Coming in the Spring 2005 (8:2) Issue
Messianic teacher Kevin Williams continues his Messianic Foundations Series with the seventeenth chapter in a series on the Gospel of Matthew. Kevin will examine more of Jesus’ leadership and identity in the parables, taught as the days of his execution and resurrection draw near. Be sure to read every installment of this unique commentary on the Gospel to the Hebrews.
Professor James Hernando writes about “John the Baptist and the Prophetic Spirit of Pentecost” in an article sure to challenge you with the urgency and mandate of prophetic preaching.
First Nations leader Richard Twiss reflects on principles of unity and difference in an essay taking thoughts from the book Whose Religion Is Christianity? The Gospel beyond the West, by Lamin Sanneh.
The Spring 2005 issue continues the study of Biblical interpretation with Professor Craig Keener. In “Context of Genre: Narrative” begins to lead us through an examination of the different genres of Scripture by looking first at narratives. What are the differences between allegory and parables? Are there dangers to finding doctrine in narratives? The Rightly Understanding God’s Word series will refresh your study of the Bible and deepen your appreciation for this special revelation God has given to us.
Some of the book and periodical reviews you will see:
Robert Graves will be reviewing: The Speaking in Tongues Controversy: The Initial, Physical Evidence of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit Debate by Rick Walston
Murray Hohns reviews The Expansion of Christianity by Timothy Yates
James Purves reviews Serve the Community of the Church: Christians as Leaders and Ministers by Andrew D. Clarke.
Mike Knowles reviews Practical Theology: Charismatic and Empirical Perspectives by Mark L. Cartledge
Wolfgang Vondey looks at Max Turner’s revised edition of The Holy Spirit and Spiritual Gifts in the New Testament Church and Today.
Category: Winter 2005