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Tag: "Biblical"

Misreading Scripture With Individualist Eyes: Patronage, Honor, and Shame In The Biblical World

Misreading Scripture With Individualist Eyes: Patronage, Honor, and Shame In The Biblical World

E. Randolph Richards and Richard James, Misreading Scripture With Individualist Eyes: Patronage, Honor, and Shame In The Biblical World (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2020), 304 pages, ISBN 9780830852758. This is the second “misreading” book that E. Randolph Richards has written. The first one was Misreading Scripture with Western Eyes which he wrote with Brandon […]

Basic Biblical Principles of Discernment

Basic Biblical Principles of Discernment

The biblical principles of discernment are based on the seven foundation blocks of the previous chapter: Discernment is God-given, Christ-centered, Spirit-guided, prayer-saturated, Scripture-based, corporately-confirmed, divinely-balanced. Eight biblical principles of discernment, based on the acronym DISCERNS, include the following: Discover Biblical Precedent. Investigate for Scriptural Harmony. Scrutinize for Sound Doctrine. Confirm with Experience. Examine the Fruit. […]

Tears: Towards a Biblical Theology

Tears: Towards a Biblical Theology

Introduction Tears universally exist across cultures and throughout history. The Bible records many examples of tears both from humans and from God. In this paper I will explore tears in culture and in various religious traditions. I will explore tears in theology and describe some possibilities for improving churches based on a theology of tears. […]

Exploring the African Seedbed in Biblical History, Christian Theology and Spirituality

Exploring the African Seedbed in Biblical History, Christian Theology and Spirituality

Dr. Antipas L. Harris (Twitter: @drantipas ) moderated the Global Think Tank on “Exploring the African Seedbed in Biblical History, Christian Theology and Spirituality” at the 2017 Bishop TD Jakes International Pastors and Leadership Conference. More than 8,000 people attended. The response to the Global Think Tank has been outstanding! People are very interested in […]

Don’t Forget the Poor: A Biblical Approach to Addressing Poverty

Don’t Forget the Poor: A Biblical Approach to Addressing Poverty

What has God called you to do? In this chapter from Your Call to Work & Mission: Following Jesus 24/7, Johan Mostert challenges all followers of Jesus to remember those trapped in poverty and take practical steps to demonstrate God’s love for them. Evangelism, global missions, and discipling others—topics from the previous section—are urgent. They […]

Darren Sarisky: Theology, History, and Biblical Interpretation

Darren Sarisky: Theology, History, and Biblical Interpretation

Darren Sarisky, Theology, History, and Biblical Interpretation: Modern Readings (London: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2015), 490 pages. Darren Sarisky received his PhD from King’s College Aberdeen, UK, and he currently holds a position as Junior Research Fellow at the University of Cambridge, UK where he also teaches Christian Doctrine. Presently, there is an upheaval over theological […]

International Society of Biblical Literature meeting 2015

International Society of Biblical Literature meeting 2015

Pastor Cletus Hull tells us about the International Society of Biblical Literature meeting in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I am back from my trip to Argentina and I had a great experience. The Meeting was held from July 19-26, 2015 in Buenos Aires, Argentina.   The paper was titled “The Pneumatology of Paul in 1 Corinthians […]

John MacArthur’s Strange Fire, A Brief Biblical Response by Jon Ruthven

John MacArthur’s Strange Fire, A Brief Biblical Response by Jon Ruthven

John MacArthur, Strange Fire: The Danger of Offending the Holy Spirit with Counterfeit Worship (Nashville, TN: Nelson Books, 2013), 333 pages, ISBN 9781400206414. As we shall see, John MacArthur’s abhorrence of “further revelation” via prophecy and related spiritual gifts derives, not from scripture, but from the frustration of Calvinists under Oliver Cromwell (1599-1658) of watching […]

John MacArthur's Strange Fire, Reviewed by Eddie L. Hyatt

John MacArthur’s Strange Fire, Reviewed by Eddie L. Hyatt

This is a pre-publication review of John MacArthur, Strange Fire: The Danger of Offending the Holy Spirit with Counterfeit Worship (Thomas Nelson, Nov 12, 2013) 9781400205172. As a life-long Pentecostal-Charismatic, I recommend that every Pentecostal-Charismatic leader read Strange Fire by John MacArthur. I say this because we need to see how the bizarre “spiritual” behavior […]

George M. Flattery, A Biblical Theology of the Holy Spirit, reviewed by Amos Yong

George M. Flattery, A Biblical Theology of the Holy Spirit, reviewed by Amos Yong

George M. Flattery, A Biblical Theology of the Holy Spirit, vol. 1, The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament, James E. Richardson, ed. (Springfield, MO: Global University, 2009), xxxii + 226 pages. George M. Flattery, A Biblical Theology of the Holy Spirit, vol. 2, Luke and Acts, James E. Richardson, ed. (Springfield, MO: Global University, […]

Biblical Imagery: The Metaphorical Symbols of the Holy Spirit

Biblical Imagery: The Metaphorical Symbols of the Holy Spirit

Christian theology should always be concerned to speak about God on the basis of God’s self-communication in Christ Jesus and the Holy Spirit. God comes to us in Christ Jesus through the power and personal presence of the Holy Spirit. God exists in differentiated personhood. Thus relationality is an essential attribute of God’s very being—a […]

Words and the Word: Explorations in Biblical Interpretation and Literary Theory

Words and the Word: Explorations in Biblical Interpretation and Literary Theory

  David G. Firth and Jamie A. Grant, eds., Words and the Word: Explorations in Biblical Interpretation and Literary Theory (Downers Grove: InterVarsity, 2008), 317 pages, ISBN 9780830828982. Prior to the post-modern period, many of the critical methodologies used in biblical studies such as redaction criticism, form criticism and source criticism were used in biblical […]

Jeffrey Niehaus: Ancient Near Eastern Themes in Biblical Theology

Jeffrey Niehaus: Ancient Near Eastern Themes in Biblical Theology

Jeffrey J. Niehaus, Ancient Near Eastern Themes in Biblical Theology (Grand Rapids: Kregel, 2008), 203 pages, ISBN 9780825433603. Jeffrey J. Niehaus (PhD, Harvard University) is professor of Old Testament at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. His previous publications include God at Sinai: Covenant and Theophany in the Bible and Ancient Near East (Zondervan, 1995) as well as […]

Donald McKim: Dictionary of Major Biblical Interpreters

Donald McKim: Dictionary of Major Biblical Interpreters

  Donald K. McKim, ed., Dictionary of Major Biblical Interpreters (Leicester: InterVarsity, 2007), 1106 pages, ISBN 9780830829279. This book is a revised edition of the Historical Handbook of Major Biblical Interpreters (1998). In concept, the work is ingenious—I know of no other work that treats major figures in the interpretation of Scripture in this way. […]

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