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Tag: "articles"

Spring 2005: Other Significant Articles

Spring 2005: Other Significant Articles

    Ernest B. Gentile, “You Can Have A Personal Pentecost: The baptism in the Holy Spirit is nothing to fear. It’s God’s gift for all Christians.” Charisma (October 2004), pages 76-78. This short essay is an excellent introduction for the Christian to the baptism in the Holy Spirit. Representing the Pentecostal/charismatic tradition, Gentile does […]

Winter 2005: Other Significant Articles

Winter 2005: Other Significant Articles

    Jim Montgomery, “Incarnating Jesus Christ includes the Supernatural” Dawn Report 54 (June 2004), pages 1-2. Jim Montgomery, founder of DAWN (Discipling A Whole Nation), writes: “While the west sees only occasional sprinkles of the miraculous power of God, much of the rest world is experiencing a downpour. To truly live out the life […]

Fall 2004: Other Significant Articles

Fall 2004: Other Significant Articles

  Matthew Kutz and Jason King, “We Must Pass the Baton” Charisma (June 2004), pages 84-86. These thirty-something leaders urge the veteran generation of Christian leaders to invest in mentoring the emerging generation. After discussing some of the difficulties keeping older leaders from mentoring, they call the up-and-coming leaders to become servant protégés and to […]

Summer 2004: Other Significant Articles

Summer 2004: Other Significant Articles

  “No More ‘Geek Speak’: New programs get past the jargon and make it easy to create, update, and manage your church’s website.” Jennifer Schuchmann. Your Church (Jan/Feb 2004), pages 66-70. There is good news about developing church website: you do not have to be a computer guy or have a big internet budget to […]

Spring 2004: Other Significant Articles

Spring 2004: Other Significant Articles

    “The New Old-Time Religion.” Jay Tolson. U.S.News & World Report (Dec. 8, 2003), pages 36-38, 41-44. This special report offers a brief history of Evangelicalism and says that the “New Evangelicals” (as the cover calls them) defy easy labels and are growing in number. [link no longer active as of June 30, […]

Winter 2004: Other Significant Articles

Winter 2004: Other Significant Articles

    Alan Millard, “Literacy in the Time of Jesus” Biblical Archaeology Review (July/Aug 2003 Vol 29 No 4), pages 36-45. Several lines of evidence can be presented to argue that it is quite probable that someone could have written down the sayings of Jesus during His ministry in Israel. The idea that Jesus’ Galilean […]

Fall 2003: Other Significant Articles

Fall 2003: Other Significant Articles

“Three Centuries of Objections to Biblical Miracles” Mark J. Larson. Bibliotheca Sacra 160 (Jan-Mar 2003), pages 77-100. This article describes and critiques the pervasive denial of the supernatural elements of the Bible among Rationalism thinkers and philosophers of the last three centuries. Pastor Larson offers convincing proofs for why these rationalistic objections to the miraculous […]

Summer 2003: Other Significant Articles

Summer 2003: Other Significant Articles

  “Where Judgment Begins” Leadership (Winter 2003, Vol XXIV, No 1). Mark Beeson, Stanley Grenz, David Handley, and Erwin Lutzer are sorting out the tangled elements of ethics and integrity in the Winter 2003 issue of Leadership dedicated to “Integrity and Ethics.” “An Honest Sermon” by Mike Woodruff and Steve Moore addresses plagiarism in the […]

Spring 2003: Other Significant Articles

Spring 2003: Other Significant Articles

  J. I. Packer, “Why I Walked” Christianity Today (January 2002), pages 46-50. Evangelical leader J. I. Packer explains why he left the Anglican Church when the denomination authorized its bishops to bless same-sex unions in June 2002. Although this article specifically addresses issues being faced by Anglicans, the principles of standing—even fighting—on the unchanging […]

Winter 2003: Other Significant Articles

Winter 2003: Other Significant Articles

  Christine Scheller, “The Little School in the Living Room Grows Up: A homeschooling mom visits one of the largest conventions in the country and notes how this form of alternative education has changed—to the chagrin of traditionalists” Christianity Today (Sept. 9, 2002), pages 46-52. Observations about how the vast home schooling movement has grown […]

Fall 2002: Other Significant Articles

Fall 2002: Other Significant Articles

  Andy Butcher, “When It’s Hard to Believe” Charisma (April 2002), pages 38-46. What do your non-Christian neighbors really think about you and what you believe? Charisma asked a panel of unchurched people to explain how they see the church, offering an unflattering mirror of what we look like to the world we are trying […]

Summer 2002: Other Significant Articles

Summer 2002: Other Significant Articles

  “Only God is Free” Geoffrey Bromiley. Christianity Today (Feb 4, 2002), pp. 72-75 Want to read more of what others are saying about God’s control and man’s freedom? This professor emeritus at Fuller Theological Seminary specifically addresses openness theology and says that it has an incorrect view of God and man’s freedom.   […]

Spring 2002: Other Significant Articles

Spring 2002: Other Significant Articles

  Enrichment: A Journal for Pentecostal Ministry (Winter 2002, Vol 7 No 1) Editor Gary Allen says that those over age 55 are the fastest growing segment of American society. This issue is packed with practical and biblical insights into ministering to the “Boomers, Builders, and Beyond” and how older Christians’ contributions to the local […]

Winter 2002: Other Significant Articles

Winter 2002: Other Significant Articles

  Jeff King, “Let Us Weep for Zion” Charisma (Aug 2001), pages 58-63, 82. Journalist Jeff King tells the moving story of how the SS St. Louis, filled with European Jews fleeing the Holocaust, was turned away by the US in 1939. King summarizes a number of historical events that have indelibly caused the Jewish […]

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