Spring 2003: Other Significant Articles
J.I. Packer became Professor of Systematic and Historical Theology at Regent College in 1979.
J. I. Packer, “Why I Walked” Christianity Today (January 2002), pages 46-50.
Evangelical leader J. I. Packer explains why he left the Anglican Church when the denomination authorized its bishops to bless same-sex unions in June 2002. Although this article specifically addresses issues being faced by Anglicans, the principles of standing—even fighting—on the unchanging Word of God should give guidance to anyone concerned about doctrinal issues within their own church or denomination.
André Lemaire, “Burial Box of James, the Brother of Jesus: Earliest Evidence of Jesus Found in Jerusalem” Biblical Archaeology Review (Nov/Dev 2002), pages 24-33, 70.
Leading epigrapher (specialist in ancient inscriptions) André Lemaire was the first to recognize the importance of the Jerusalem limestone burial box bearing the inscription: “James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus.” After mounting significant evidence, Lemaire concludes, “it seems very probable that this is the ossuary of the James of the New Testament. If so, this would also mean that we have here the first epigraphic mention—from about 63 C.E.—of Jesus of Nazareth” (page 33).
Clinton E. Arnold, “It’s All Greek to Me: Cleaning up the confusion about Bible translations” Discipleship Journal 132 (Nov/Dec 2002), pages 28-32, 34-36.
Greek Professor Clinton Arnold answers your questions about the differences found in today’s English Bible translations. He explains how different versions reflect different theories of translation and manuscript bases as well as the effect of change in English language upon translation. Easy to read charts demonstrate the strengths and weaknesses of word-for-word (formal equivalence) and thought-for-thought (dynamic equivalence) translation philosophies, what versions pastors are using (45% of Pentecostal/charismatics are using the KJV), characteristics of major Bible versions, and a comparison of 16 versions looking at two verses. Professor Arnold makes recommendations for using different translations for personal Bible reading, careful Bible study, public scripture reading, and all-around Bibles.
Vern S. Poythress and Mark Strauss, “The TNIV Debate” Christianity Today (Oct. 7, 2002), pages 36-43, 45.
There has been a growing theological controversy regarding the use of gender-inclusive language in the Bible that has come to a head with the recent publication of Today’s New International Version. Christianity Today decided not to permit an advertisement aimed against the TNIV, preferring to allow the differing opinions each speak for themselves. This article asks the question, “Is this new translation faithful in its treatment of gender?” Vern S. Poythress says “No” and Mark Strauss says “Yes.” It seems apparent that the concept of gender inclusiveness is not the only question involved for either proponents or detractors of this translation. For more information about this debate, visit the following websites: www.no-tniv.com [as of June 2, 2014, no longer active], www.tniv.info, and http://biblepacesetter.org/bibletranslation [as of June 2, 2014, no longer active]
Category: Spring 2003