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Spring 2017: Other Significant Articles


Craig Keener, “Who Comes to Steal, Kill, and Destroy?: The ‘thief‘ may not be who you think it isChristianity Today (April 2017).


Andrea Lathrop, “Going Deeper with God for All the Right Reasons: Why leaders should invest in their spiritual growth and how,” Influence (Feb/Mar 2017).


Roger E. Olson, “What Should Contemporary Evangelical Christians Think about the Reformation?” Patheos (March 28, 2017).


Caryn Rivadeneira, “How to Escape America’s Anger ProblemChristianity Today (March 2017).

The subtitle of this article urging that Jesus followers find Christian disciplines says: “In this rancorous post-election season, some women are turning to tried-and-true solutions.”


J. Lee Grady, “4 Ways People Misuse the Bible” Fire in My Bones (April 5, 2017).


Dan Van Veen, “Holy Spirit Confirms God’s Love for Teen” PE News (April 7, 2017).

A story of salvation and the Holy Spirit using xenoglossolalia to encourage a young immigrant. Thanks to John Lathrop for sharing this article.


WCC and Pentecostals discuss discipleship and formation in California” (April 11, 2017). writers Mel Robeck and Amos Yong participated in the six-day Joint Consultative Group between Pentecostals and the World Council of Churches.


Ryan Lambert, “Is Jesus the Jewish Messiah?: A summary of an important recent debateFirst Fruits of Zion (April 18, 2017).

A torah observant Messianic Jew reflects on the recent debate in Atlanta between Rabbi Freitag and Dr. Michael Brown.


Jerry Root, “Cease Squirming and Know That I Am God: Why Don’t We Share the Gospel?: We share the gospel because men and women need to know they are loved by God” The Exchange (April 22, 2017).


Timothy George, “Fosdick’s ReformationFirst Things (May 1, 2017).

William De Arteaga says, “Excellent summary and analysis of one of America’s premier liberal theologians.”


Matthew Bell, “The biggest megachurch on Earth and South Korea’s ‘crisis of evangelism’” PRI’s The World (May 1, 2017).


Cindy Wooden, “Pope plans Pentecost celebrations with charismatics and Pentecostals” News Service (May 2, 2017).

The subtitle reads, “Pope Francis, in a show of openness, invited Catholic charismatics and members of Pentecostal and Evangelical churches to Rome to join him in celebration of Pentecost and the 50th anniversary of the birth of the Catholic charismatic movement.”

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Category: Spring 2017

About the Author: The editors are Raul Mock, Mike Dies, Joe Joslin, and Jim Dettmann with significant input from other writers including John Lathrop, Amos Yong, Tony Richie, and Kevin Williams.

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