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Order of St. Luke International 2019: From an Anti-Cessationism past to a Fully Charismatic Future

[4] A classic of Christian devotion. first published c. 1710, reprinted countless time and available as paperback or as a free web download.

[5] In my work, Agnes Sanford and Her Companions, I show the importance of both the CFO and the OSL in bringing healing prayer to some mainline churches well before the Charismatic Renewal of the 1960s.

[6] This section relies on the excellent documentation and research of James T. Connelly, in his dissertation, “Neo-Pentecostalism: The Charismatic Revival in the Mainline Protestant and Roman Catholic Churches in the United States, 1960-1971,” (University of Chicago, 1977). It is a pity that this was never converted into a book.

[7] Ibid., 144.

[8] There were several free lending libraries of these tapes, perhaps the most influential was one called “The Lord’s Own Tape Ministry.”

[9] See for instance her excellent work, Barbara Leahy Shlemon, Healing the Hidden Self (Notre Dame: Ave Maria Press, 1982).

[10] John MacArthur, Strange Fire (Nashville: Nelson, 2013). Note the bevy of excellent and well documented rebuttals to MacArthur in: Robert Graves, ed. Strangers to Fire (Woodstock: Foundation for Pentecostal Studies, 2014). My critique of MacArthur is included in this volume. It can also be found in Pneuma Review.

[11] His classic book is Healing (Notre Dame: Ave Maria: 1974). His book, Deliverance From Evil Spirits (Grand Rapids: Chosen Books, 1994) is also a classic on exorcism.

[12] See my appreciation of the MacNutts’ ministry: “Introducing Francis and Judith MacNutt,” Pneuma Review, Posted Sept 21, 2007.

[13] I really can’t undo this silliness and sinful affectation even in my own life. My books are all under the name “De Arteaga” and some have been translated into Spanish and one into Hungarian.

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Category: Church History, Summer 2019

About the Author: William L. De Arteaga, Ph.D., is known internationally as a Christian historian and expert on revivals and the rebirth and renewal of the Christian healing movement. His major works include Quenching the Spirit: Discover the Real Spirit Behind the Charismatic Controversy (Creation House, 1992, 1996), Forgotten Power: The Significance of the Lord’s Supper in Revival (Zondervan, 2002), Agnes Sanford and Her Companions: The Assault on Cessationism and the Coming of the Charismatic Renewal (Wipf & Stock, 2015), and The Public Prayer Station: Taking Healing Prayer to the Streets and Evangelizing the Nones (Emeth Press, 2018). Bill pastored two Hispanic Anglican congregations in the Marietta, Georgia area, and is semi-retired. He continues in his healing, teaching and writing ministry and is the state chaplain of the Order of St. Luke, encouraging the ministry of healing in all Christian denominations. Facebook

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