Internet Resources
The Internet
You probably already know that the Internet has become a tremendous resource to many pastors, professors and Bible students. It can be a seamless tool for research of all kinds, from locating a Bible school to looking up ancient sources. In this issue, just a few of the countless internet resources that you can make use of are listed here. Check them out for yourself, and if you know of some that should appear here, write the Pneuma Review to tell us what they are.
Charismatic and Renewal Centers on the Web
The Catholic Charismatic Center on the World Wide Web[Inactive as of April 19, 2014]
Pentecostal/Charismatic Churches of North America
The PCCNA seeks to “provide a framework for fellowship, dialogue, and cooperation between the various Pentecostal and charismatic denominations, churches, and ministries in North America that agree with the purposes and goals of the organization. Since these churches and fellowships share a common history of Holy Spirit renewal and an overriding goal of evangelizing the world, they wish to join in a common witness to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon all flesh in the last days.” One of the former chairpersons, Bishop Ithel C. Clemmons, has said that, “The responsibility for promoting racial healing rests with all Americans , but especially within the Christian Church. PCCNA has been established as a symbol of interracial, intercultural, intergender cooperation that by precept and example challenges good people to step forth and say “Enough!” to hate, bigotry and violence.”
Theological and Biblical Study Resources Online
Pentecostal-Charismatic Theological Inquiry International (PCTII). For Pentecostal/charismatic study, this is likely one of the most comprehensive sites on the Internet. It is an informal network of some 500 scholars spread over 6 different continents. Here you will find links to Bible schools (schools which are Pentecostal/charismatic and those which have faculty who have joined the PCTII network), Pentecostal/charismatic organizations, and numerous indexes to theological journals including a link to the Cyberjournal for Pentecostal/Charismatic Research. PCTII also has links to newsletters, other online publications, churches in the network, and academic societies. PCTII is found on the world wide web at:
One of the related links to the PCTII is the International Pentecostal Holiness Church Archives and Research Center. Here are a number of links to Pentecostal/charismatic research archives including such institutes as Holy Spirit Research Center at Oral Roberts University, Regent University Library, and the Dixon Pentecostal Research Center. These archives are located at:
The Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN) is a library of nearly 8,000 theological thesis/dissertation titles representing research from as many as 70 different institutions. TREN also makes available conference papers presented at annual meetings of several academic societies including the Society for Pentecostal Studies. Titles may be ordered online through their search and order system or by downloading the TREN Database.
The Society for Pentecostal Studies home page has links and indexes to various Pentecostal and charismatic theological journals as well as an index of its own journals Paraclete (published between 1967 and 1995) and PNEUMA: The Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies.
The ECOLE Initiative. According to their “About” page, “The Early Church On-Line Encyclopedia (ECOLE) Initiative is a cooperative effort on the part of scholars across the internet to establish a hypertext encyclopedia of early Church history (to the Reformation) on the World-Wide Web.” This extensive encyclopedia is actually a hyper-linked index to multiple sites. The substance of this encyclopedia includes everything from articles to scanned original documents to artwork from church and museum archives. The Church history buff will be spending multiple eons making use of this incredible resource.
Category: Ministry, Pneuma Review, Spring 1999