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Fall 2022: Other Significant Articles

The Rise of the Pentecostal Fusionists: They’re uniting Spirit-led worship with the riches of historic church tradition, says a leading charismatic bishopChristianity Today (October 3, 2022).

Pentecostal Theological Seminary (Church of God) professor Dale Coulter interviews Emilio Alvarez, presiding bishop of the Union of Charismatic Orthodox Churches, about what has often been called the Convergence Movement, the purposeful blending of sacramental liturgy with charismatic worship.


Lazarus Yeghnazar and Lana Silk, “Iran’s Spiritual AwakeningCharisma (October 28, 2022).


How the Persecuted Church Wants You to Pray: Leaders in six countries explain how Christians can best support and rejoice with fellow believers suffering for their faithChristianity Today (November 10, 2022).


The Rise of the Global South: John Lathrop interviews Dr. Elijah Kim” PentecostalPastor YouTube (November 16, 2022).

John Lathrop writes that in this 1 hour video: “I interview Dr. Elijah Kim, the author of The Rise of the Global South: The Decline of Western Christendom and the Rise of Majority World Christianity. In addition to discussing Global Christianity we also talk about the impact that Pentecostalism has had on Global Christianity.” Read Pastor Lathrop’s review of The Rise of the Global South.


Leopoldo Sánchez, “How Irenaeus, Ambrose, and Basil Help Us See the Spirit: When the Holy Spirit seems tough for congregants to grasp, borrow these surprising images from the church fathers” Christianity Today Pastors (Fall 2022).


Andrew K. Gabriel, “How Should non-Trans Christians Respond to Transgender and Queer People?” (December 11, 2022).

Pentecostal scholar Andrew Gabriel writes: “In this short video, I share some thoughts on how non-trans Christians should respond to transgender and queer people.”


N.T. Wright, “Should We Cancel Luther and Calvin?: The Reformers believed in burning heretics. Making sense of that grave mistake means looking first at ourselvesChristianity Today (November 14, 2022).

Anglican theologian N.T. Wright introduces this contemporary issue: “Cancel culture knows no bounds, even historical ones. Based on some un-Christlike writings by Protestant reformers John Calvin and Martin Luther—along the lines of burning heretics—there have been some recent discussions about ‘canceling’ these paragons of church history. The debates sound similar to conversations we’ve had about secular historical figures being canceled for owning slaves, for example.”



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Category: Fall 2022

About the Author: The editors are Raul Mock, Mike Dies, Joe Joslin, and Jim Dettmann with significant input from other writers including John Lathrop, Amos Yong, Tony Richie, and Kevin Williams.

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