Eddie Byun: Praying for Your Missionary
Praying for Your Missionary is a good resource for the missions department of the local church. It will alert readers to the special challenges faced by missionaries and will inform them of what to pray for their missionaries. If you want to raise missions awareness or prayer support for missionaries in your own life or in your church consider using this book. It will give you much to think and pray about. In addition to encouraging prayer for missionaries it also recommends other forms of care for missionaries. This additional care includes things like writing letters to missionaries and helping them when they return home from the field. We do need to support the cause of missions because, as Dr. Byun as pointed out, we are not home yet (page 20).
Reviewed by John Lathrop
Publisher’s page: https://www.ivpress.com/praying-for-your-missionary
Preview: https://books.google.com/books/about/Praying_for_Your_Missionary.html?id=flN1DwAAQBAJ
Category: Fall 2019, Living the Faith