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Eddie Hyatt: Angels of Light

Eddie L. Hyatt, Angels of Light: False Prophets and Deceiving Spirits at Work Today in the Church and the World (Hyatt Press, 2018), 120 pages, ISBN 9781888435252.

Deception has seeped into the church since its founding and it seems to be intensifying as we get closer to the Lord’s return.

For example, at the time that this review was being written a church that calls itself Pentecostal has added a psychic medium to their staff who claims to commune with the dead.

When the disciples asked Jesus what would be the sign of His coming and the end of the age, he immediately replied to watch that no one deceives you. In three more verses in Matthew 24, Jesus mentions the word deceive.

Not only did the Lord give warnings about deception, but Paul, Peter, and Jude wrote much on this subject.

In this well-documented and well-researched book, Dr. Eddie L. Hyatt (D. Min. Regent University) writes a compelling treatise on deception, which the Bible says will be prevalent in the latter days.

Taking the scriptures to heart, Hyatt sounds an alarm. Believers need to be serious about not falling into deception.

Believers need to be serious about not falling into deception.

Hyatt is concerned that Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it” and with this quote in mind, he sets forth his argument.

When reading this small, but powerful work, one gets the feeling that the author is grieved at the deception, from the flesh and from the devil, that has infiltrated the church. He is greatly concerned that there is such a great fascination with miracles and a lack of discernment by many modern charismatics. He wonders if many will embrace the Antichrist who will come with his signs, wonders, and false miracles. Hyatt presents a number of ways that we can test the spirits to see if they are indeed of God.

In the third chapter, Hyatt provides five warning signs from a document entitled “Confessions” written around 1560 by Anabaptist leader, Obe Philips, to show how a prophetic movement can go astray. He believes that the material in this paper is very important as it contains information that will help us avoid tragic mistakes, which can be detrimental to the believer and a move of God.

All five are very important, but two stand out. Warning sign #1: “When Prophecy is Used to Enhance the Status of a Movement or an Individual.” Hyatt reminds us that “Satan plays on human ego and pride” and that we must humble ourselves before the Lord. He makes an important point by writing that the ultimate goal of prophecy is to point people to Jesus.

Warning sign #5: “When Prophecy Becomes a Replacement for the Scriptures and Common Sense.” Hyatt stresses the importance of the guidance of God’s Word, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (Psalm 119:105). He also quotes Methodist leader John Wesley as one “who saw many unusual spiritual manifestations” and who said, “Try all things by the written word, and let all bow down before it.”

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Category: Living the Faith, Summer 2019

About the Author: Larry Russi, M.A. in Urban Ministry (Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary), is the Senior Pastor at Glendale Christian Lighthouse Church in Everett, Massachusetts. In ministry for over 40 years, he is the coordinator for the New England region of the American Evangelical Christian Churches (AECC) and also a member of the denomination's advisory board. Facebook

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