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Denzil Miller: Spirit-Empowered Mission

Denzil R. Miller, Spirit-Empowered Mission: Africa’s Decade of Pentecost and the New Testament “Strategy of the Spirit” (Springfield MO: AIA Publications, 2013).

I had been given opportunity to review Denzil R. Miller’s 35 page booklet, Spirit-Empowered Mission: Africa’s Decade of Pentecost and the New Testament “Strategy of the Spirit.” Miller gives us here a brief overview of a continent-wide initiative of the Africa Assemblies of God Alliance (AAGA) from 2010-2020 known as the Decade of Pentecost (DOP) to evangelize Africa.

Denzil Miller offers a brief but honest evaluation of the work, its successes and challenges in terms of the Great Commission to evangelize the sub-Sahara Africa and Indian Ocean Basin areas of the continent which requires indigenously raising all the resources, finances as well as personnel, to “go into all Africa” and “make disciples of all African tribes and clans.”

Miller supports a Pauline approach to evangelization. A large part of this brief work is taken up in referencing Paul’s missionary focus. And as Paul pointed out to community after community, this work requires an empowerment only available with an infilling of the Spirit. Miller refers to this as “A Spirit-driven Call to Missions.”

“The evangelization of Africa,” Miller maintains, “[needs] an ongoing information database … to be shared with our constituent national churches, strategic partnerships across the continent between the national churches affiliated with the [AAGA], a strategic prayer network focusing on the unreached peoples of Africa, missional mentoring among … national churches [the indigenous principle, and] … compassion ministries, all the while remaining focused on the core mandate of the church, that is, reaching the lost for Christ.”

He concludes by saying, “Therefore, during these final seven years [since 2013] of the DOP initiative, we anticipate the greatest forward advance, and the greatest harvest of souls, in the one-hundred year history of the church of Africa.”

Reviewed by John King


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Category: Ministry, Spring 2016

About the Author: John H. King, M.Th., retired from the pastorate after serving congregations in New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Massachusetts for over 24 years and now develops software for the financial services industry. He is the author of Challenged: Living Our Faith in a Post Modern Age.

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