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Tag: "spiritempowered"

Arto Hamalainen: The DNA of Spirit-Empowered Christians and Churches

Arto Hamalainen: The DNA of Spirit-Empowered Christians and Churches

Arto Hämäläinen, The DNA of Spirit-Empowered Christians and Churches (Halle, Belgium: PeaceLiterature, 2023), 147 pages, ISBN‎ 9798393077945. If you read the biographical information about Dr. Hämäläinen on the back cover of the book you will see that he is very involved in both Pentecostalism and missions. Here are just two of the ministries that he has […]

Introducing Spirit-Empowered Christianity

Introducing Spirit-Empowered Christianity

Todd M. Johnson and Gina A. Zurlo, Introducing Spirit-Empowered Christianity: The Global Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements in the 21st Century (Tulsa, OK: ORU Press, 2020), 222 pages, ISBN 9781950971046.   The review is based on a special edition of the book that was released to Oral Roberts University students. A printed version is being prepared for […]

Spirit-Empowered Christianity

Spirit-Empowered Christianity

What does Spirit-empowered Christianity look like around the world? Pneuma Review speaks with Todd M. Johnson and Gina A. Zurlo, directors of the Center for the Study of Global Christianity and editors of the third edition of the World Christian Encyclopedia. What is Spirit-Empowered Christianity and how is it defined? Todd M. Johnson […]

Wonsuk Ma: Tragedy of Spirit-Empowered Heroes

Wonsuk Ma: Tragedy of Spirit-Empowered Heroes

Wonsuk Ma, “Tragedy of Spirit-Empowered Heroes: A Close Look at Samson and Saul,” Spiritus: ORU Journal of Theology, 2:2 (2017), pages 23-38. It was with joy that I read through this perceptive article by Dr. Wonsuk Ma. Dr. Ma is a Pentecostal scholar whose ministry experience was gained in four countries. A large portion of […]

Interview with Charles Carrin about his book Spirit-Empowered Theology

Interview with Charles Carrin about his book Spirit-Empowered Theology Why did you choose to write a book on theology? Charles Carrin: I had a specific God-instruction to write a “charismatic catechism” for the benefit of Spirit-filled believers who had no such resource. I began working and the book assumed the nature of a theological-treatise. There are 300 questions and answers on a progression […]

Denzil Miller: Spirit-Empowered Mission

Denzil Miller: Spirit-Empowered Mission

Denzil R. Miller, Spirit-Empowered Mission: Africa’s Decade of Pentecost and the New Testament “Strategy of the Spirit” (Springfield MO: AIA Publications, 2013). I had been given opportunity to review Denzil R. Miller’s 35 page booklet, Spirit-Empowered Mission: Africa’s Decade of Pentecost and the New Testament “Strategy of the Spirit.” Miller gives us here a brief […]

Denzil Miller: Maintaining the Spirit-Empowered Life

Denzil Miller: Maintaining the Spirit-Empowered Life

Denzil R. Miller, Maintaining the Spirit-Empowered Life: How to Walk Daily in the Spirit’s Power (Springfield, Missouri: AIA Publications, 2015). In Matthew 3:11, John the Baptist refers to Jesus, saying, “I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance, but He who is coming after me is mightier than I, whose sandals I am not worthy […]

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