Denzil Miller: How to Live for God
Denzil R. Miller, How to Live for God: A Guide for New Christians (PneumaLife Publications, 2018), 40 pages, ISBN 9780997175059.
The book How to Live for God was written by Dr. Denzil R. Miller. He has written several books on the work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer and in the work of missions.
This book contains the foundational truth for every believer, especially new converts to the Christian faith. The awareness of spiritual birth is of a paramount importance as it ensures a renewed hope in Christ.
Dr. Miller pointed out the importance of assurance of salvation as the genesis of the new birth in Christ. This awareness opens a whole new identity in Christ, a relationship that would be cherished for eternity.
This book contains 7 days of spiritual transformation that would impact a life for eternity, as the Holy Spirit empowers the person to live the new life and become a witness for Christ. Being a believer comes with a big responsibility to share your faith with others (1 Peter 3:15; John 18:37), and to live an exemplary life through the power of the Holy Spirit. Authentic Christianity is a wonderful tool for witnessing for Christ, because when our lives corresponds with our confessions, non-believers would then know that we are serious. In other words, a believer’s life, walk and words all combine as tools for effective witnessing for Christ.
Giving is another aspect of genuine Christian living, because while some individuals can give without loving, a Christian cannot claim to love without giving. Giving to God and also for His work is a way to acknowledge that He is the owner of everything.
“The Christian life is more than a decision to receive Christ as Savior. It is a commitment to follow Jesus all the days of one’s life. Twenty times in the four gospels Jesus called on His disciples to follow Him. He once said, ‘If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.’ This book was written to help you fulfill your commitment to follow Christ. It is designed to help you start your new life in Him well.” – from
This publication is good for new believers, for discipleship training/ workshop and anyone who wants to grow in his or her work with Christ.
Reviewed by Chima Umejiaku
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Category: Living the Faith, Spring 2018