Coming in the Spring 2000 (3:2) Issue
The Praying in the Spirit Series by Robert W. Graves continues with That Glorious Day When Tongues Are Not Needed, Until Then . . . Author Robert Graves answers four primary objections to the continuation of the gifts of the Spirit: a) Tongues were a sign; b) Tongues were revelatory in nature and the completion of Scripture ended all revelation c) after Paul’s letter to the church at Corinth, the New Testament is completely silent on tongues, therefore they had ceased d) Historical writing of the church fathers after AD 100 do not indicate a continuance of the supernatural gifts of the Spirit.
Should Christians Expect Miracles Today? Objections and Answers from the Bible by Wayne Grudem. This is Part 2 of answers to some of the most frequent objections to the contemporary gifts of the Holy Spirit. See the end of this quarter’s installment to preview what is coming in the next issue.
Answering the Cessationists’ Case Against Continuing Spiritual Gifts by Jon Ruthven. Professor Jon Ruthven continues his discussion of the gifts of the Spirit by answering the critics major objections. Be enriched in your understanding of the contemporary gifts of the Spirit.
Cain and Abel by Kevin Williams will continue his Messianic Foundations Series. Rabbi Williams will be looking at the sin that crouches at the door and the acceptability of Abel’s sacrifice in the important story of Cain and Abel.
Category: Winter 2000