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Category: Spirit

Zeb Bradford Long and Douglas McMurray: Receiving the Power

Zeb Bradford Long and Douglas McMurray: Receiving the Power

  Zeb Bradford Long and Douglas McMurray, Receiving the Power: Preparing the Way for The Holy Spirit (Grand Rapids: Chosen Books, 1996), 251 pages. The authors of the book The Collapse of the Brass Heaven have teamed up again to write about finding power to do what Jesus did. Coming from a Third Wave or […]

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Praying in the Spirit: Some Marvelous Effects of Praying in the Spirit

Praying in the Spirit: Some Marvelous Effects of Praying in the Spirit

The second chapter of the Praying in the Spirit Series. Most evangelicals believe that one always remembers the day he or she became a Christian. I remember the day very well. I was alone in a half‑completed apartment building off Interstate 1‑75 in Atlanta, Georgia. I was taking a lunch break from my summer job as […]

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Praying in the Spirit: What They're Saying Now: Some Non-Charismatics Reevaluate Tongues

Praying in the Spirit: What They’re Saying Now: Some Non-Charismatics Reevaluate Tongues

The first chapter of the Praying in the Spirit Series. Bow-tied waiters glide across the plush red carpet. Sharply dressed gentlemen and elegantly appareled ladies devour crispy bacon, spicy sausage, and fluffy scrambled eggs. The smiling couple beside you probably has a college degree or two. Perhaps they are doctors, dentists, or lawyers. After the […]

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Gary Derickson: The Cessation of Healing Miracles in Paul’s Ministry

Gary Derickson: The Cessation of Healing Miracles in Paul’s Ministry

Gary W. Derickson, “The Cessation of Healing Miracles in Paul’s Ministry”, Bibliotheca Sacra, Issue 155 (July-September 1998), p. 299-315. This article by the Associate Professor of Biblical Studies at Western Baptist College attempts to show that Paul’s ability to heal diminished towards the end of his ministry and finally ceased. Professor Derickson gives an introduction […]

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William De Arteaga: Quenching the Spirit

William De Arteaga: Quenching the Spirit

William De Arteaga, Quenching the Spirit: Discover the REAL Spirit behind the Charismatic Controversy (Orlando: Creation House, 1992, 1996), 358 pages, ISBN 9780884194323. William De Arteaga defines pharisaism as a religious attitude and heresy that so affirms the role of tradition that a new move of the Holy Spirit is often identified as demonic (p.335). […]

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The Baptism with the Spirit—Distinct from Salvation? by Michael D. Peters

The Baptism with the Spirit—Distinct from Salvation? by Michael D. Peters

Pastor Michael Peters looks at the Baptism with the Spirit in light of the whole salvation experience. Editorial Introduction This article is a chapter from Michael Peter’s book In Defense of Charismatics. In Defense was written as a response to John MacArthur’s book Charismatic Chaos and as a defense of charismatic beliefs and teachings. Peters […]

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B. J. Oropeza: A Time to Laugh

B. J. Oropeza: A Time to Laugh

B. J. Oropeza, A Time to Laugh: The Holy Laughter Phenomenon Examined (Peabody, Mass.:  Hendrickson, 1995),  194 pages with ancient sources index. In this 1995 book by B. J. Oropeza, a Pentecostal/charismatic examines the holy laughter phenomenon. This well-documented and well-researched book attempts to present the background and beginnings of the holy laughter movement and well […]

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Jim Cymbala: Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire

Jim Cymbala: Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire

Jim Cymbala with Dean Merrill, Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire: What Happens When God’s Spirit Invades the Hearts of His People (Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1997), 188 pages, ISBN 9780310211884. Jim Cymbala is the pastor of  the Brooklyn Tabernacle, New York, NY. Pastored by Cymbala since 1972, the Tabernacle has, as of 1996, began holding four […]

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Michael L. Brown: Let No One Deceive You

Michael L. Brown: Let No One Deceive You

Michael L. Brown, Let No One Deceive You: Confronting the Critics of Revival (Shippensburg, PA:  Revival Press, 1997), 295 pages. Michael Brown (Ph.D., New York University) is president of the Brownsville School of Ministry, and is regarded as being a leading scholar of the revival movement. In his preface Dr. Brown states that this book “. […]

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