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Category: Spirit

Should Christians Expect Miracles Today? Objections and Answers from the Bible, Part 4, by Wayne A. Grudem

Should Christians Expect Miracles Today? Objections and Answers from the Bible, Part 4, by Wayne A. Grudem

22. Doesn’t the Bible teach that the Holy Spirit will never call attention to Himself, but will always direct our attention to Christ? Then how can it be right to place so much emphasis on the work of the Holy Spirit today? This objection is based on trying to force a false alternative, one not […]

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Editor Introduction: How the Prayer Language Comes

Editor Introduction: How the Prayer Language Comes

Praying in Tongues. This is still a hot topic in the church today. Fortunately, they are many among classical Pentecostals and the broad charismatic movement that have realized there is more to the Christian life than “just” tongues. Non-charismatic evangelicals have had the long standing complaint about Pentecostal/charismatics that “tongues” is all they seem to […]

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Maureen Eha: They Shall Cast Out Demons

Maureen Eha: They Shall Cast Out Demons

Maureen D. Eha, “They Shall Cast Out Demons” Charisma (May 2000, Vol 25, No 10), pages 52-60, 120. Can believers be possessed, or demonized, by evil spirits? According to the article “They Shall Cast Out Demons” by Maureen Eha in the May 2000 issue of Charisma, the answer is yes. The article begins with the […]

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Praying in the Spirit: How the Prayer Language Comes

Praying in the Spirit: How the Prayer Language Comes

The seventh chapter of the Praying in the Spirit Series. Author Robert Graves presents a compelling challenge for all Christians to receive the infilling of the Holy Spirit.   The charismatic experience of tongues that accompanies the baptism in the Spirit has been forgotten by a large portion of the Church, mainly because the Church has […]

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Should Christians Expect Miracles Today? Objections and Answers from the Bible, Part 3, by Wayne A. Grudem

Should Christians Expect Miracles Today? Objections and Answers from the Bible, Part 3, by Wayne A. Grudem

15. Why do people speak directly to demons today and command them to leave, rather than just praying and asking God to drive the demon away? Isn’t it safer just to pray to God about this? In a way, this is similar to asking why Christians should share the gospel with another person rather than […]

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David Pawson: Word and Spirit Together

David Pawson: Word and Spirit Together

  David Pawson, Word and Spirit Together: Uniting Charismatics and Evangelicals (London, Sydney, Auckland: Hodder and Stoughton, 1998), 159 pages. Originally published as The Fourth Wave in 1993, the second edition of this volume features a new title that captures the importance of holding together the mutual emphases of Word and Spirit against the backdrop […]

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Praying in the Spirit: Charismata in Post-Apostolic Church

Praying in the Spirit: Charismata in Post-Apostolic Church

This chart is from part 2 of the sixth chapter of the Praying in the Spirit Series. Figure 3 Charismata in the Post-Apostolic Church

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Praying in the Spirit: Proposed Dates of Charismata Cessation

Praying in the Spirit: Proposed Dates of Charismata Cessation

This chart is from part 2 of the sixth chapter of the Praying in the Spirit Series. Figure 2 Proposed Dates of Charismata Cessation        

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Praying in the Spirit: Consensus on First Corinthians 13 by Non-Pentecostal Scholars

Praying in the Spirit: Consensus on First Corinthians 13 by Non-Pentecostal Scholars

This chart is from part 2 of the sixth chapter of the Praying in the Spirit Series. Figure 1 First Corinthians 13—Consensus on Non-Pentecostal Scholars The following non-Pentecostal/charismatic commentators view “the perfect thing” (verse 10) as yet to come; an asterisk indicates that they take the “now” of verse 13 to mean that faith and […]

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Praying in the Spirit: That Glorious Day When Tongues are Not Needed: Until Then … Part 2

Praying in the Spirit: That Glorious Day When Tongues are Not Needed: Until Then … Part 2

The second part of the sixth chapter of the Praying in the Spirit Series. Author Robert Graves continues to examine the claim that tongues are not needed today. He argues convincingly that tongues are needed and will continue until the return of Jesus Christ.   Completed Scriptures For those dating the cessation of the charismata […]

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Should Christians Expect Miracles Today? Objections and Answers from the Bible, Part 2, by Wayne A. Grudem

Should Christians Expect Miracles Today? Objections and Answers from the Bible, Part 2, by Wayne A. Grudem

8. Doesn’t Hebrews 2:3 tell us that miracles were restricted to the apostles, “those who heard him”? In Hebrews 2:3-4, the author says about the message of salvation, It was declared at first by the Lord, and it was attested to us by those who heard him, while God also bore witness23  by signs and […]

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Praying in the Spirit: That Glorious Day When Tongues are Not Needed: Until Then … Part 1

Praying in the Spirit: That Glorious Day When Tongues are Not Needed: Until Then … Part 1

In part 1 of the sixth chapter of the Praying in the Spirit Series, author Robert Graves examines the claim that tongues are not needed today. He argues convincingly that tongues are needed and will continue until the return of Jesus Christ.   “Tongues shall cease.” More than 1,900 years have passed since the apostle […]

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Jon Ruthven: On the Cessation of the Charismata, reviewed by Amos Yong

Jon Ruthven: On the Cessation of the Charismata, reviewed by Amos Yong

  Jon Ruthven, On the Cessation of the Charismata: The Protestant Polemic on Postbiblical Miracles, Journal of Pentecostal Theology Supplement Series 3 (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1993 and 1997), 271 pages. Those who are involved in friendly debates with cessationists should seriously consider this book as a gift in order to further conversation on the […]

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Answering the Cessationists’ Case against Continuing Spiritual Gifts, by Jon Ruthven

Answering the Cessationists’ Case against Continuing Spiritual Gifts, by Jon Ruthven

In the preceding article, we left our friend, George, the novice charismatic whose excited testimony ran into a wall of biblical-sounding arguments from his pastor, a cessationist.1 This article offered a kind of pocket guide of “pro” charismatic arguments which George (or you, gentle reader) can photocopy and send to your cessationist friends for comment. […]

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