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Category: Living the Faith

Reclaiming the Original American Vision

Reclaiming the Original American Vision

There are some that would say private faith has no place in the public sphere. Historian Eddie L. Hyatt shows this was not what America’s Founders believed, and urges all Americans to recapture their vision that linked faith and freedom together. In a meeting with Delaware Indian chiefs in 1779, George Washington commended them for […]

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The Demise of Metanarrative and the Implications for Culture

The Demise of Metanarrative and the Implications for Culture

Introduction “Simplifying in the extreme, I define postmodern as incredulity toward metanarratives.”1 “A massive intellectual revolution is taking place that is perhaps as great as that which marked off the modern world from the Middle Ages. The foundations of the modern world are collapsing, and we are entering a postmodern world. The principles forged during […]

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Celebrating Fathers in a Fatherless Society

Celebrating Fathers in a Fatherless Society

Happy Monday! Yesterday was Father’s Day. I am grateful for my father. He has always been fully present in my seven siblings’ and my life. We certainly credit his involvement, as well as mom’s participation for any good that we have experienced. Thank God for parents! Last week, the U.S. Department of Education convened a group of […]

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Jennifer Miskov: Writing in the Glory

Jennifer Miskov: Writing in the Glory

Jennifer A. Miskov, Writing in the Glory: Living from Your Heart to Release a Book That Will Impact the World (Redding, CA: Silver to Gold Publishing), 123 pages. As a writer of both fiction and non-fiction (and an English teacher), I have read countless books on writing, but I’ve never read one quite like Jen’s […]

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James K. A. Smith: You Are What You Love

James K. A. Smith: You Are What You Love

James K. A. Smith, You Are What You Love: The Spiritual Power of Habit (Brazos Press, 2016), 224 pages, ISBN 9781587433801. James K.A. Smith is a philosophy professor at Calvin College and author of many books and articles. He has designed this book to focus on two distinct aspects of Christian life, the things we […]

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William De Arteaga: Pentecostal (and Anglican) Plays (and Postscripts)

William De Arteaga: Pentecostal (and Anglican) Plays (and Postscripts)

William De Arteaga, Pentecostal (and Anglican) Plays (and Postscripts) (CreateSpace, 2017), 148 pages,  ISBN 9781544150888. Those who only know Bill De Arteaga from his scholarly work will find this little book, less than 150 pages, to be a delightful romp. Unlike his columns in The Pneuma Review or previously published books these two scripts are […]

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His Move, His Touch

His Move, His Touch

Are you in a desperate circumstance and can’t see a way out? This devotional study from Kirk Hunt will encourage you and help you focus on Jesus. The Story 22And behold, one of the rulers of the synagogue came, Jairus by name. And when he saw Him, he fell at His feet 23and begged Him […]

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Salt, Light, a City Set on a Hill

Salt, Light, a City Set on a Hill

In the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5), Jesus teaches that His followers are the “salt of the earth;” “the light of the world;” and “a city set on a hill.” For the past several months, I have pondered what Jesus means.   Salt of the earth When we season food with salt, the salt […]

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Sophie Hartman: Crowns of Beauty

Sophie Hartman: Crowns of Beauty

Sophie Hartman, Crowns of Beauty: A Story of Brokenness, Courage and Beauty Rising from Ashes (Westbow Press, 2016), 210 pages, ISBN 9781512739282. Love is a word we use often, particularly as Christians. Yet, what is it? Apart from the abstract concept or a transient emotional experience, what is love for God, love for our neighbor? […]

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Tripp York: The End of Captivity?

Tripp York: The End of Captivity?

Tripp York, The End of Captivity?: A Primate’s Reflections on Zoos, Conservation, and Christian Ethics (Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2015), ix + 135 pages. Tripp York, professor in the Religious Studies department at Virginia Wesleyan College, has been deeply involved in the area of human-animal ethics for some time. Broadly speaking, his work tries to […]

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Holy Week: Remembering our Coptic brothers and sisters

Holy Week: Remembering our Coptic brothers and sisters

Happy Monday morning! Yesterday was Palm Sunday, a Christian celebration of the last week of our Lord Jesus’ earthly life and ministry. But, this year, a week of reflection on Jesus’ love, life, and sacrifice began with a global tragedy; our brothers and sisters in Tanta, Egypt were brutally attacked. CNN reports, “ISIS claimed responsibility for bombings that killed 43 at two Coptic churches in […]

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Roger Olson: Reinhold Niebuhr and Stanley Hauerwas: Can Their Approaches to Christian Political Ethics be Bridged?

Roger Olson: Reinhold Niebuhr and Stanley Hauerwas: Can Their Approaches to Christian Political Ethics be Bridged?

Roger E. Olson, “Reinhold Niebuhr and Stanley Hauerwas: Can Their Approaches to Christian Political Ethics be ‘Bridged?’” Patheos (February 27 and 28, 2017). Part 1. Part 2. This two-part article by the noted Evangelical scholar, Roger Olson, should be of interest to practically every reader of Pneuma Review. The article deals with two prominent theologians […]

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Speaking with Don Horwitz

Speaking with Don Horwitz

The Executive Director of Christians Care International, Don Horwitz, speaks with about anti-Semitism, the relationship between the Church and Judaism, and his own journey to help the vulnerable and abused in the former Soviet Union. Please tell us a little about yourself, your religious background, family, and your involvement with Christians Care […]

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Captivity Of The Mind: Spiritually Understanding Abnormal Human Behavior

Captivity Of The Mind: Spiritually Understanding Abnormal Human Behavior

Recently I was in a South Florida home with a young man who had captured a wild hawk and in a short time had converted it into an obedient Falcon. At the sound of a whistle, the bird would fly from its perch, light on the man’s arm, take food offered it, and on command […]

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